Tuberous roots of yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia Poeppig & Endlicher) were stored in different temperature and relative humidity conditions after curing for 30 days. Non-decadent percentage, moisture contents, brix degree and sugars were investigated. Whether temperature and relative humidity were high or not, most of the tuberous root decayed during storage, and the decayed percentage was increased as long as the storage period. In final, only 13% of tuberous roots remain intact at 4~circC , 85% relative humidity condition to be appeared best storage condition in this experiment and all of the tuberous root decayed in other storage conditions after 6 months. Moisture contents decreased a little in the high relative humidity. Even though tuberous roots decayed when stored at 10~circC and 20~circC , most of brix degree reached about 17.0. Fructose, glucose and sucrose contents were 1.65, 1.15 and 0.35% at early storage period, and 1.6, 1.1 and 0.5% after 6 months at 4~circC , 85% relative humidity, respectively. In 3 temperature conditions, fructose and glucose increased for a month and then decreased successively afterwards, but sucrose increased gradually during 6 months. Also in 4 relative humidity conditions, fructose, glucose and sucrose contents were changed with similar to that of in temperature. Changes of fructose and glucose were the same except on 4~circC , 85% relative humidity, that was lower level than moisture of tuberous root.