Lipoxygenase가 결여된 진품콩(Lx1Lx1lx2lx2lx3lx3), 진품콩 2호(lx1lx1lx2lx2lx3lx3)와 L-1, L-2, L-3이 모두 존재하는 태광콩(Lx1Lx1Lx2Lx2Lx3Lx3)에 대한 종실특성과 인위노화 처리가 종실의 발아율에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 1. 종피균열도는 3품종 모두 파종시기가 늦어짐에 따라 감소하였으며, 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 높았다. 2. 파쇄성과 경도는 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 낮아지는 경향을 나타내었다. 3. 발아율은 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 낮았고, 전기전도도는 인위노화 처리전보다 증가하였으며 태광콩, 진품콩, 진품콩 2호 순으로 높았다. 4. 발아율은 인위노화 처리기간이 길어짐에 따라 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 낮았으며, 전기전도도는 인위노화 처리기간이 길어짐에 따라 증가하였으며 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 높게 나타났다. 인위노화 처리 35일째는 태광콩과 진품콩이 비슷하게 나타났으며, 진품콩 2호는 태광콩과 진품콩보다 높게 나타났다. 5. 종피균열도는 발아율 및 인위노화 처리 후 발아율과는 유의적인 부의 상관을 나타내었다.
Lower field germination was observed in lipoxygenase- lacking soybean genotypes. This study was performed to understand seed-related traits after accelerated aging in response to planting date of soybeans. Two soybean cultivars, Jinpumkong (null lipoxygenase-2,3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3) were evaluated for germination, and were compared with the cultivar, Taekwangkong containing lipoxygenase-1,2,3 isozymes. Greater seed coat cracking was shown in Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 than Taekwangkong. Regardless of soybean genotypes, earlier planting resulted in greater seed coat cracking. After accelerated aging, seed fracturability and hardness of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 were lower than those of Taekwangkong. There was significant difference in germination percentage among soybean genotypes in response to planting date. Seeds obtained from late planting showed better germination ability. Accelerated aging resulted in lower germination percentages of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 than that of Taekwangkong, and showed higher electric conductivity in Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 than Taekwangkong. After accelerated aging at 40~circC for thirty five days, germination percentages of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 were lower than that of Taekwangkong. Electric conductivity was increased continually as accelerated aging time became longer, and Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 showed higher electric conductivity than Taekwangkong. Even though there were significant genotype differences in seed traits, further studies are needed to determine whether seed lipoxygenase ability is associated with germination ability.