보리, 밀 품종의 조숙화와 온난한 겨울로 인하여 봄에 나타나는 저온장해가 최근에 자주 발생하는데 생육재생기 이후 발생하는 저온장해의 양상, 발생시기 및 증상을 구명하고자 자연조건과 저온항온기 그리고 포장의 비닐 피복을 이용한 저온처리시험을 실시한 결과를 보면 다음과 같다. 1. 저온장해중 줄기 고사는 -2.4∼-10.2℃ , 퇴화, 백수, 탈색등은 -2.4∼-8.6℃ ,불임은 -1.3∼-7.6℃ 의 저온에서 6-39시간 지속될 때 발생하였는데 특히 자연포장에서 많이 나타나는 저온장해는 불임과 퇴화로, 이의 유발온도는 -2.5∼-3.0℃ 였다. 2. 보리, 밀 모두 수잉기에 불임이 많이 발생하였고 출수기, 영화분화기, 화기발육기 순으로 발생정도에 차이를 보였다 백수는 출수 전후 10일에 주로 발생하였으며 발생정도는 출수후 10일>출수기>수잉기 순이었다. 3. 유수퇴화는 출수기에 가장 많이 발생한 것으로 나타났고 수잉기, 화기발육기에도 많이 발생하였다. 부분희화도 수잉기에 많이 발생하였다. 포장에서는 영화분화기의 개체들에서도 많이 발생하였다. 4. 망 탈색은 주로 밀에서 발생하였는데 수잉기에 일부 발생하긴 했으나 출수기의 식물체에서 대부분이 발생하여 출수기에 주로 나타나는 장해라 할 수 있었다. 식물체 고사는 전 생육기에 걸쳐 발생하였고 가장 심한 피해는 출수기>수잉 >영화분화기>화기 발육기 순으로 발생한 것으로 나타났다. 5. 저온장해 발생지표로 유수장, 제1절간장, 지엽-이삭간 거리가 유용하였다. 유수장이 밀에서는 망 탈색시 9.0-9.8cm, 이삭 탈색시 7.5cm, 백수발생시 5.7-9.4cm, 이삭 퇴화시 0.2-9.2cm, 줄기고사시 0.3-3.8cm로 나타났고 보리에서는 백수발생시 평균 3.4-7.0cm, 부분퇴화가 4.2-5.2cm, 퇴화가 0.4-5.4cm, 줄기 고사가 0.4-0.6cm로 차이를 보였다. 제1절간장은 보리, 밀 각각 0.3-8.4cm, 0.2-24.2cm로 신장정도에서 저온에 따른 변이를 보였고, 지엽-이삭간 거리도 보리 -2.5∼-7.4cm, 밀 -0.6-11.5cm로 신장정도에 차이가 컸다.
Although the young spike of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is known as the most susceptible part to spring cold injury, the risk of cold injury is apt to be ignored in most breeding program due to the importance of early maturity. Based on these aspects, the types and inducing time, temperature conditions for induction and effects of cold injury on growth and yield in this study were investigated under greenhouse and field conditions through three years (1997-1999). In natural condition, low temperature around -2.4∼-10.2~circC caused the death of plant. Several cold injury types such as partial degeneration of spike, partial discoloration of leaf, spike and awn, discoloration of culm and white spike were observed at low temperature around -3.1~circC . Low temperature around -2.4∼-8.6~circC and 1.3-7.6~circC caused degeneration and sterility of spike, respectively. Most materials were prepared to the spikelet foundation stage, spikelet differentiation stage, development stage of flower organ, booting stage and heading stage, which were known having risk for cold injury in field condition. Although most of the controlled stages were sensitive to the induced low temperature, booting stage was the most sensitive stage for cold injury. All of growth stages which were treated-heading stage, booting stage, development stage of flower organ, spikelet differentiation stage, spikelet foundation stage-were responded to low temperature treatment but the symptoms revealed were very specific according to the growth stages. Ears of plant in heading stage were discolored to white. Ears of plant in booting stage were degenerated in all or part of one. Plants in spikelet differentiation stage were sterile in all or part of one. When tried to detect the specific differences between normal and cold injured plants in appearance, spike length, distance between spike and flag leaf and the first internode length could be the critical points for occurrence of spike death caused by cold injury. In barley, the elongation of spike was stopped on 3.2cm after occurrence of spike degeneration, 4.7cm after occurrence of partial degeneration of spike, 5.0cm after occurrence of white spike. In wheat, it was stopped on 1.6cm after occurrence of stem death, 3.3cm after occurrence of spike degeneration, 8.3cm after occurrence of partial degeneration of spike, 8.1cm after occurrence of white spike, 7.5cm after partial discoloration of leaf and 9.3cm after partial discoloration of spike. The obtained results from low temperature treatment induced in growth chamber were similar to the field experiment, Beacuse the death of spikes was more when low temperature was treated two times than one times, the temperature should be upgrade to -3~circC in order to get the same condition with field test.