풋완두 추파재배시 월동 전에 알맞은 입모와 생육량을 확보해야한다. 그리고 초봄에 저온, 서리 또는 PE. 필름 멀칭내 고온 등의 피해를 회피하여 적기에 순화하여야한다. 1. 완두 생육기간동안 기온이 높은 여수지역이 나주지역에 비해 각 생육단계별 소요일수가 짧고 생장량이 많으며, 유효분지수가 많고 유효분지의 착생절위와 주경과 유효분지의 제1착협절위가 높으며, 개체당 협수와 협당립수가 많고 협장이 길었다. 2. 파종적기는 결주율, 생육, 수량 등을 고려해 볼 때 여수와 나주 지역 모두 11월 중순이었다. 3. 안정적인 순화시기는 결주율과 순화시 피해율이 가장 낮고 유효분지수와 개체당 협수가 많아 수량이 가장 많은 3월 상순이었다.
When sowing green peas in the autumn, proper seedling stands and growth quantity should be secured before winter begins. Also, for proper acclimatization, injuries caused by low temperatures, frost or high temperatures in the P.E. film during mulching, should be avoided during the regeneration period; that being early spring. The days required for growth in each stage in Yeosu are shorter than those in Naju because Yeosu has high temperatures during the growth period. Furthermore, in Yoesu, it was observed that there were more effective branches as well as effective and attached node positions on the branches. The first pods on the main stems and effective branches were observed to be higher than those in Naju. The number of pods per plant and the number of seeds per pod in Yoesu was greater than for those in Naju and the pod length was longer as well. Considering the missing plant rate, growth, and green pod yield, the optimum sowing date for the green pea was mid-November in both location. The stable acclimatizing date for the green pea was early March when the highest yield can be acquired due to a lot of effective branches and pods per plant and with the lowest missing plant rate and rate of injury in acclimatization.