필름 포장 상태로 유통되는 콩나물의 주요 상품성 저하 원인 중 하나인 이취의 종류 및 발생 조건 등을 구명하고자 수행된 실험 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 콩나물은 저장 온도가 높을 수록 호흡속도가 증가하여 O2 의 빠른 소모와 높은 농도의 CO2 축적 및 알콜취, 이취의 발생 촉진을 가져왔다. 2. 알콜취는 이취에 앞서 발생하였으며 EtOH은 이취와 유사한 시점에서 GC를 이용한 검출이 가능하였다. 3. 이취의 발생 한계 O2 농도는 1~2% 수준으로, 알콜취의 발생 한계 O2 농도는 4~2% 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 4. 이취 기체 내에는 다양한 종류의 aldehyde류 및 fatty acid류가 동정되었다.
Soybean sprout is a traditional food and its market circulation as packed in a transparent film is increasing. To characterize the off-flavor produced from film-packed soybean sprouts, harvested soybean sprouts were stored at different temperature and oxygen conditions, and time-series changes in heads pace O2,~;CO2 , ethanol (EtOH) concentrations as well as sensory off-flavor levels were measured. Lower temperature resulted in lower consumption of O2 , lower production of EtOH and less off-flavor. No off-flavors could be detected when atmospheric O2 concentration was maintained over 4%, while alcoholic-flavor and off-flavor were initiated when O2 decreased down to 2% and 1%, respectively. Under low O2 conditions alcoholic-flavor following EtOH production preceeded prior to sensory off-flavor detection. Various aldehydes and fatty acids such as nonylaldehyde, decylaldehyde and stearic acid were identified by GC/MS from film-packed sprouts producing off-flavors. In conclusion to suppress off-flavor, soybean sprouts should be packed in a film which can control O2 concentration over 2% and stored at low temperature around 4~circC