품종 및 재배지역에 따른 생리활성성분(isoflavone, anthocyanin 및 tocopherol 함량, 항산화 활성)변이를 구명하여, 생리활성성분 고함유 품종선발과 생리활성성분 축적에 유리한 재배지역을 발굴하여 지역특화작목으로 선정하기 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 100립중은 품종간에는 차이 없었으나, 지역간에는 2004년에는 뚜렷한 차이를 보였으나, 2005년에는 화성이나 진주보다 나주에서 현저하게 가벼웠다. 총 isoflavone 함량은 2004년에는 일품검정콩이 1,064.9ug/g 으로 청자콩의 801.3ug/g 에 비해 높았으나, 2005년에는 오히려 일품검정콩에 비해 청자콩이 높았다. 재배지역간에는 2004년에는 두 품종 모두 화성지역에서 뚜렷하게 높았으나, 2005년에는 진주지역이 화성이나 나주보다 현저하게 높았다. 총 anthocyanin 함량은 품종 간에는 일품검정콩이 7.22 mg/g으로 청자콩의 6.83 mg/g에 비해 높았으며, 재배지역간에는 진주지역에서 9.16 mg/g으로 나주, 화성지역에 비해 가장 높았다. 총 tocopherol 함량은 품종 간에는 큰 차이가 없었으며, 지역 간에는 화성, 진주지역이 각각 217.2ug/g , 216.3ug/g 으로 나주지역 189.7ug/g 에 비해 높았다. tocopherol 성분비율은 ~gamma -tocopherol이 56.2~59.9% 로 가장 높았다. 전자공여능은 품종간에는 일품검정콩이 청자콩보다, 지역간에는 화성이나 진주보다 나주에서 EDA 값이 55.6%로 가장 높았다.
Aiming at development of region specialized crop, this study was conducted to clarify variety and cultivation region dependent on antioxidative compounds in black soybean seeds. For this purpose two black soybean varieties (Ilpumgeomjeongkong and Cheongjakong) were cultivated in 3 different regions (Hwaseong in Gyeonggido, Naju in Jeollanamdo and Jinju in Gyeongsangnamdo) in 2004 and 2005, and harvested seeds were used for isoflavone, anthocyanin and tocopherol contents along with electron donating ability-based antioxidative activities measurements. 100 grain weight between two varieties were not significantly different, but Hwaseong district showed higher 100 grain weight compared to Jinju and Naju. Ilpumgeomjeongkong was higher total isoflavone content (1,064.9~mug/g ) compared to Cheongjakong (801.3~mug/g ) in 2004, whereas Cheongjakong showed higher in 2005 compared to Ilpumgeomjeongkong. The highest isoflavone content was obtained in Hwaseong district in 2004, whereas it is the reverse in 2005 that Jinju district showed the highest isoflavone content. In total anthocyanin content, Ilpumgeomjeongkong (7.22 mg/g) was higher than that of Cheongjakong (6.83 mg/g), and Jinju district showed the highest total anthocyanin content (9.16 mg/g) compared to Naju and Hwaseong cultivating districts in their three cultivating districts. Total tocopherol content showed no significant difference between two varieties, but Hwaseong (217.2~mug/g ) and Jinju (216.3~mug/g ) districts showed higher content compared to Naju (189.7~mug/g ) among three cultivating districts. In tocopherol content ratio, ~gamma -tocopherol was the highest from 56.2% to 59.9%. In electron donating ability (EDA) between two cultivars, Ilpumgeomjeongkong was significantly higher than Cheongjakong, and Naju was the highest of 55.6% among three cultivating districts.