Mulberry fruit is a superior source of polyphenols, especially anthocyanin, and has a long history of use as an edible fruit and traditional medicine. The anthocyanin composition of mulberry fruit from 15 Korean cultivars was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography diode array detector with quadrupole time of flight/mass spectrometry (UPLC-DAD-QToF/MS) based on a cyanin internal standard. The four glycosides were identified by comparison with authentic standards and published reports. The major anthocyanin was cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (71.7%), followed by cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside (26.6%). The minor components (total of 1.7%) were pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside and pelargonidin 3-O-rutinoside. The total anthocyanin content (mg/100 g, dry weight) of mulberry fruit varied by cultivar and ranged from 471.5±4.0 (Su Hong) to 4,700.2±54.0 (Gwa Sang2). Among the 15 cultivars examined, Gwa Sang2 showed the highest level of cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (3,133.4±32.6), which was 9-fold higher than that of Su Hong (351.5±3.4). In conclusion, anthocyanin profiles, including pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside and pelargonidin 3-O-rutinoside, were reported for the first time from 15 Korean mulberry fruit cultivars. The results will contribute valuable information on pharmaceutical properties, breeding superior mulberry cultivars, and food industries.
This study is in order to the effect of 1-methlycyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment and film package as modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the changes in fruit quality factors of 'Daehong' peaches during cold storage. The concentrations of 1-MCP were treated at 1μL·L-1 and 2μL·L-1, and peaches in film package were stored for 28 days in cold storage at 5±1°C and 85±5% RH. The fruits stored carton box were used as a control of MAP, and 1-MCP free fruits were used as the control of both packages. Rate of fresh weight loss during storage was not significantly different between groups with and without 1-MCP treatment, but was higher in the box package than in the MAP. The control group had a higher incidence of both gases with the 1-MCP treatment group showing statistically significantly low. Carbon dioxide in the package was lowered by about 12% compared to the non-treated group, and the ethylene concentration was maintained at 1μL·L-1, showing a significance low compared to other treated groups. As the storage period elapsed, the firmness of 1-MCP and MAP treated fruits remained significant at 5-9% compared to the control group. Regardless of the packaging method Hunter a* values of exocarp and mesocarp were significantly higher in fruit treated with 1-MCP 1μL·L-1 treatment than in the control group, and anthocyanin was significantly higher in the fruit during the storage period, especially high in MAP. In summary, fruits of MAP group with 1-MCP 1μL·L-1 had rate of lower respiration and ethylene production, and little changes in firmness, Hunter a* values of exo-carp and meso-carp, and anthocyanin, which is considered the most suitable method for preserving postharvest quality of the peach cultivar during the storage.
본 연구는 광질이 장미의 꽃잎 착색에 미치는 영향에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행했다. 꽃눈 분화가 시작된 미니 장미 5품종 ‘Berigamo’(yellowish white), ‘Elpaso Yellow’(yellow), ‘Elpaso’ (bicolor, yellow+orange), ‘Meggiore’(pink), ‘Maasland’(red)를 대상으로 3주간 광질처리를 실시하였다. 광질처리는 300μmol·m-2·s-1 백 색광(W) 대조구와 210μmol·m-2·s-1 백색광에 적색(R), 녹색(G), 청색(B), 원적외선(FR) 및 자외선 B(UVB)을 각 90μmol·m-2·s-1 보광하여 대조구와 동일한 PPFD로 설정하였다. 광질의 꽃잎착색 효과는 품종 특이적으로 R, FR, UVB 보광은 특히 분홍색 품종에서 각각 19.0%, 28.8%, 6.4% 착색을 증진시킨 반면, G와 B 보광은 안토시아닌 함량을 각각 17.8%, 19.0% 감소시켰 다. 황색 품종에서는 UVB보광으로 카로티노이드 함량이 19.6% 증가하였다.
본 연구는 DFT 재배 시스템을 이용한 밀폐형 식물생산시스 템에 MB처리 유무에 따른 상추(Lactuca sativa L.)와 배초향 (Agastache rugosa Kuntze)의 생육과 양액 특성을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 상추와 배초향은 밀폐형 식물생산시스템에 서 23일간 재배되었다. MB는 매일 9시, 13시, 17시에 5분씩 16일간 처리하였다. 상추와 배초향의 엽장, 엽폭, 엽면적, 생 체중 및 건물중은 MB처리구에서 대조구에 비해 유의하게 낮 았다. 상추와 배초향의 총 뿌리길이, 뿌리 표면적, 근단 수도 MB처리구에서 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다. 평균 뿌리 직경의 경우, 상추는 처리 간에 차이가 없었으나, 배초향은 MB처리 구에서 유의적으로 굵어 종 간에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구 결과, DFT 방식으로 상추와 배초향을 재배할 때 MB 처리는 비생물적 스트레스를 유발하여 생육을 억제하는 것으 로 나타났다.
This study was conducted to evaluate quality and anthocyanin content of ‘Tarocco’ orange fruit in order to support early harvest. Harvest times were set at 280 days after anthesis (DAA), 300 DAA, and 320 DAA (conventional harvest). The fruits were classified as those having an intense reddish color or a yellowish orange color in the rind. The fruits were stored during 45 days at 8oC, for low temperature storage, or 18oC, for room temperature storage in winter. The changes in the fruit quality were measured at 15-days interval. The reddish rind fruit had slightly higher sugar content than the orange fruits with yellowish rind, but had similar acidity. A sugar content of 13.0 oBrix or more was recorded for fruits harvested 280 DAA with 45 days of low-temperature storage. A similar finding was recorded after 15 days of low temperature storage for the fruits harvested 300 DAA with 30 days for the conventional harvest. The anthocyanin content was higher for fruits with later harvest time (37.8 mg·L-1) and longer storage period in both low and winter room temperatures (25.2-53 mg·L-1 and 10.3-51.9 mg·L-1, respectively). For all harvest periods, the peel and juice color intensity increased after 15 days of low temperature storage and remained constant regardless of the storage temperature. The result indicated that the fruit quality and anthocyanin content of fruits harvested 300 DAA was better than fruits harvested 320 DAA (conventional harvest), stored 15 days at 8oC or 30 days at 18oC after harvesting 300 DAA.
본 연구는 정원 장미에서 화색과 향기의 상관관계를 분석하기 위해 개화단계 동안 화색소와 향기물질 구성의 변화를 조사하였 다. 화색과 향기 특성이 다른 세 품종의 정원 장미를 식물재료로 이용하였다. ‘Faustinia’는 황색 꽃잎과 tea-type향을 가지며, ‘Liparfum’은 적색 꽃과 sweet-type향을, ‘Tchaikovsky Meichibon’ 은 약한 향의 백색 꽃을 피운다. 개화과정을 S1에서 S5까지 5단 계로 나뉘어 설정하였다. 세 품종에서 꽃과 꽃잎의 크기, 꽃잎의 생체중과 같은 형태적 특성은 S1에서 S4로 개화가 진행됨에 따 라 증가했다. ‘Faustinia’와 ‘Liparfum’은 S3까지 화색이 선명하고 밝아지고 이후 퇴색되어 a*와 b*값이 감소하였다. 세 품종 모두 향기는 S3~S4에서 가장 강했다가 S5에서 감소하였다. ‘Faustinia’ 의 총 카로티노이드와 ‘Liparfum’의 총 안토시아닌 함량은 S1대 비 S3에서 약 7.2~40.5배 증가하였고 S5에서 약 30.6%까지 현저 하게 감소하였다. 백색 계열 ‘Tchaikovsky Meichibon’의 화색소 함량은 개화 과정 중 큰 변화를 보이지 않았으나 S5에서 2.3배 감소하였다. 향기물질은 화색소 변화와 유사한 패턴을 보였다. 2-phenylethanol과 3,5-dimethoxytholuene은 모든 품종 ‘Faustinia’ (84.2%), ‘Liparfum’(89.6%), ‘Tchaikovsky Meichibon’(94.8%) 에서 높은 함량비율을 보였고, 테르펜 향기물질 구성비율은 역순 으로 높았다. ‘Liparfum’의 안토시아닌은 향기물질 2-phenylethanol (r=-0.51), 3,5-dimethoxytoluene(r=-0.72**), eugenol(r=-0.58*),neral(r=-0.48), geranial(r=-0.42)과 음의 상관관계를 보였으나, 카로티노이드는 명확한 상관성을 갖지 않았다
본 연구는 딸기(Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) 두 품종 인 대왕과 설향을 LED 조명으로 일몰 후부터 6시간 동 안 2018년 11월부터 이듬해 1월까지 야간 보광 처리한 후, 각각 50%와 100% 착색되었을 때, 과실을 수확하여 딸기 과실의 경도, 식물화합물 및 항산화 활력을 측정하여 LED 광과 성숙도에 따른 과실 품질변화를 확인하고 자 실시하였다. 딸기 과일의 경도에서는, 두 품종 모두 적색 LED를 보광했을 때, 50%뿐만 아니라 100% 익은 과실에서 유의하게 높았다. 당도 또한 50% 착색된 과실을 비교한 경우, 적색 LED 광이 품종 모두에서 다른 광 처리 보다 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 반면에, 딸기의 산도에서는 LED 광 처리구보다는 대조구에서 50%뿐만 아니라 100% 착색된 과실에서도 높게 나타났다. 페놀화 합물의 경우, LED 광을 처리한 딸기보다는 대조구 상태 에서 생육한 딸기 과실의 함량이 월등히 높았다. 하지만 플라보노이드와 안토시아닌 함량에서는 LED 광의 영향 은 미미하였다. 식물화합물의 경우는 LED 광보다는 익 어가면서 성숙도에 따라 그 함량의 변화가 달라지는 경향이 크다. 또한, DPPH 및 ABTS 항산화능의 경우는 성숙도 및 LED 보광에 의한 차이는 없었다. 따라서 본 연구 결과로 미루어 보아, 과실의 당도와 유통 측면에서는, LED 보광이 충분히 과실 품질에 도움 될 것으로 사 료된다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of LED and QD-LED (Quantum Dot) irradiation on seed germination, antioxidant ability, and microbial growth, during red radish (Raphanus sativus L.) sprouts cultivation. Irradiated light was blue, red, blue + red and blue + red + far red (QD-LED) lights, and the controls were a fluorescent lamp (FL), and dark condition. Germination rate of red radish was highest in the dark condition. The plant height and fresh weight of red radish sprouts that irradiated each light for 24 hrs after 7 days growing in dark condition, did not shown significantly difference among treatments. After 24 hrs of light irradiation, cotyledon green was best in blue + red light, and the red hypocotyl was excellent in blue light and QD-LED light. DPPH and phenol contents were high in dark and blue + red light treatment, and anthocyanin content was high in blue light and QDLED light. Total aerobic counts were similar in all treatments and did not show bactericidal effect, whereas E. coli count was lowest in QD-LED light treatment, and yeast and mold counts were lowest in FL only treatment. Results suggest that when red radish seeds were germinated in dark condition and cultivated for 7 days as sprouts, and then treated with blue light or QD-LED light for 24 hrs, the seeds produced good quality red radish sprouts with greenish cotyledon, reddish hypocotyl, high anthocyanin content, and lower level of E coli contamination.
Few studies have reported how temperature influences growth and development of succulents, including anthocyanin production, which could fetch better prices in the market, and understanding the factors influencing such pigments would benefit farmers. The present study investigated the effect of temperature (10°C, 20°C, and 30°C) on the growth, development, and anthocyanin concentrations in Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus. In E. agavoides, similar growth performance was observed at 10°C and 20°C based on plant height and diameter. However, subjecting the species to a high temperature of 30°C resulted in a decrease in plant height. In E. marcus, optimal growth performance was observed at 20°C. Different temperatures did not significantly affect succulent quality and color hues. Only L* values were significantly different among the Hunter’s Lab values. Similar results were observed following anthocyanin and image analyses, both of which were not significantly affected by temperature. However, an intense red pigment was observed at 20°C compared with the green pigment observed at 10°C and 30°C based on the image analysis. The results suggest that temperature influences growth, development, and anthocyanin content of Echeveria succulents, and 20°C could be the optimal temperature for the cultivation of the species.
In this paper, quality properties and antioxidant capacity of cooked black carrot has been studied. Five different cooking methods have been applied: microwave (45 sec), boiling (100℃, 14 min), steaming (100℃, 20 min), sous vide (75℃, 80 min), sous-vide (95℃, 30 min). The color value was slightly different (p<0.05), the boiling method was the highest in L-value and Sous vide 75℃ method was the lowest. The steaming method indicated the highest a-value at 5.50. The b-value was significantly different between the samples (p<0.05). The microwave method was the highest at 3.49 while the sous vide 95℃ method was the lowest at -0.34. No significant difference was observed between the samples when only the moisture content results were considered. The highest pH was observed in samples cooked using the boiling method. The softening (%) was higher when the cooking water was in contact with samples and it was dependent on the temperatures. In addition, this study shows that not only temperature but also cooking time and cooking media are very crucial in the preparation and cooking of black carrot to prevent the loss of the antioxidant compound. In conclusion, the comparison of the quality characteristics and antioxidant properties of black carrots indicated that the most appropriate cooking method is sous-vide method.
본 연구는 식용화 팬지의 UV-B 주·야간 처리에 따른 항산화물질 변화와 생장반응을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 식용화 팬지(Viola comuta ‘Purple’, ‘Blue’)를 대상으로 인공 재배기에서 광원을 LED(백색) 120μmol·m-2s-1로 16시간으로 하였으며, 자외선 UV-B(310~320nm)처리는 기존연구에서 UV-B처리 효과가 좋았던 20분을 주간(11:50~12:10)과 야간(23:50~00:10)으로 처리하였다. 처리 결과, 두 품종 모두 대조구와 UV-B 주·야간 처리간의 꽃과 잎의 생체중 및 건물중은 유의한 차 이가 없었으며, ‘Blue’의 야간 UV-B 처리를 제외한 모든 처리구에서 꽃수도 유의차가 없었다. 처리 후 1, 3, 5주차에 분석한 결과, 잎의 엽록소함량은 ‘Purple’의 3주차를 제외한 모든 처리구에서 유의차가 없었으며, 두 품종 모두 Fv/Fm과 NPQ(Non Photochemical Quenching)값이 처리 간 유의차가 없었다. 또한 UV-B 처리 5주차에 활성산소(superoxide, O2 -)의 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride(NBT) 염색 후 현미경으로 관찰한 결과, 처리 간 차이가 없었다. 항산화물질인 총 플라보노이드 함량을 분석한 결과, ‘Purple’은 3주차까지 대조구보다 주간 UV-B 처리구가 많은 것을 알 수 있었고, ‘Blue’의 경우 5주차까지 유의차는 없었지만 주·야간 UV-B 처리구가 대조구에 비해 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 안토시아닌 함량은 ‘Purple’의 경우 3주차만 제외하고 야간 UV-B 처리구가 가장 높은 것을 알 수 있었으나, ‘Blue’의 경우 처리 간 유의차가 없었다. 결론적으로, 주·야간 UV-B 20분처리는 팬지 ‘Purple’과 ‘Blue’의 생장에 거의 영향을 주지 않았으며, ‘Purple’의 총 플라보노이드 함량은 처리 3주까지 증가하였다.
여름철 고온으로 인해 ‘거봉’ 포도의 착색 불량이 나타나는 원인을 안토시아닌 조성의 변화로부터 구명하기 위해 본 실험을 수행하였으며, 같은 대립계 포도 품종인 ‘흑보석’의 과실 품질과 안토시아닌의 변화를 함께 비교 하였다. 착색 초기부터 30일 동안의 고온 처리에 의해 ‘거봉’과 ‘흑보석’ 모두에서 과피의 착색이 감소하였지만, ‘흑보석’은 온도 처리의 종료 이후 안토시아닌 함량이 대조구의 수준으로 증가하였고, ‘거봉’은 착색이 정지된 상태로 안토시아닌 함량이 증가하지 못했다. 고온에 의해 ‘거봉’의 안토시아니딘은 Mal, Del, Pet의 순으로 크게 감소하였으며, 개별 성분으로는 diglucoside 및 Mal-acylated 형태가 가장 크게 감소하였다. 안토시아닌의 형태별 함량을 비교한 결과, ‘거봉’ 과피에서 고온에 의해 acylated 형태가 non-acylated 형태에 비해서 더 크게 감소하였고, B ring의 tri-hydroxylated 형태가 di-hydroxylated 형태보다 더 큰 비율로 감소하였다. ‘거봉’에서 모든 그룹의 안토시아닌 함량이 총 안토시아닌과 비슷한 경향으로 감소하였고, ‘흑보석’에서는 모든 그룹의 합성이 고온에 의해 억제되었다가 온도 처리가 종료된 이후 대조구의 수준으로 회복되었다. 따라서 착색 초기의 고온에 의한 ‘거봉’의 착색 불량은 특정 안토시아닌의 감소에 의한 것이 아니라, 전체적인 안토시아닌의 생합성 자체가 고온에 의해 억제되었기 때문으로 판단되었다.
본 연구의 목적은 2단 베드 벤치 시스템에서 딸기를 재배하는 동안 상단베드에 의한 차광으로 광량 부족한 하단 베드에서 자란 딸기의 생산량 및 과일 품질에 LED 보광의 영향을 확인하기 위한 것이다. 딸기 전용상 토로 충진된 2단 베드 벤치에 2015년 10월부터 2016년 1월까지 점적 관수로 딸기를 재배하였다. LED 광이 처리되지 않은 상단과 하단 베드를 대조구로 이용하였고, LED 광 처리를 위해서 오전 10시부터 오후 4시까지 하 단 베드에 각각 청색, 적색, 그리고 청색과 적색을 혼합 한 LED 광을 100μmol·m-2·s-1의 광량으로 보광 하였다. 딸기의 수확량에 있어서, 하단 베드의 청색 LED 보광된 처리에서 자란 딸기는 하단 부분 대조구와 비교하여 유의하게 증가되었으며, 상단 베드 대조구에서 자란 딸기 생산량의 90% 수준까지 증가되었다. 청색 및 혼합 LED와 상단베드에서 생육된 딸기 과일의 유리당 함량은 적색 LED와 하단 베드 부위 대조구에 비하여 높았다. 안토시아닌의 함량은 자연 광을 많이 받는 상단 베드에서 생육된 딸기 과일이 가장 높았지만, 하단베드 처리만을 비교하할 때, LED를 보광한 모든 딸기과일이 보광하지 않은 하단 부분의 대구조의 딸기 과일보다 높았다. 따라서 딸기 2단 베드 재배 시 하단 베드에 청색 LED 보광이 생산 증대 및 품질 향상에 유리할 것으로 판단된다.
Shading is a key element in the control of light intensity and is usually used during the summer when sunlight is at its most intense. Succulents are ornamental crops that have beextremely popular because of their leaf structure and other characteristics. A study was conducted to determine the effects of shading on the growth and development as well as the anthocyanin content of two Echeveria species: Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus. Three levels of shading were used, namely no shading/full light treatment, partially shaded conditions, and well-shaded conditions, which were achieved by placement inside controlled growing chambers for 4 weeks. The results revealed the bolting of growth in both height and diameter for both species when grown under shaded and partially shaded conditions, which were abnormal compared withthe typical development. CIELAB color results also showed thata* was significantly affected by shading levels, exhibiting a higher positive value for succulents under full light or no shading. These results were consistent with the anthocyanin analysis, where the highest contents were identifiedinthe species grown under full light. The image analysis also confirmed a higher percentage area based on the smart segmentation for red pigments compared withthat for green pigments.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of light intensity on the growth and development as well as the anthocyanin content of two Echeveria species, namely Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus. Three light intensity levels (high, 150 μmol・m-2s-1; intermediate, 75 μmol・m-2s-1; and low, 35 μmol・m-2s-1) served as the treatments, which were replicated four times. The results revealed that the tallest and largest plants were those under low light conditions. It was observed that there was a decline as the light intensity increased, which is attributed to the coping mechanisms of plants to search for light sources, which has a similar effect to bolting or an increase in the node-to-node distance. CIELAB color values of L* and a* for both species were significantly affected by the light intensity, indicating changes in the lightness of hue and green-to-red color pigmentation in plants. These results were strongly reflected in those of the anthocyanin content analysis, where a direct increase in the concentration was observed with increasing light intensity. The results of the anthocyanin analysis were also supported by the histogram, smart segmentation images, as well as the ratio of red and green pigments found in the images. Thus, a high light intensity should be used to increase the quality and provide conducive growing conditions for both succulent species.
Subcritical water extraction (SWE) is an eco-friendly new extraction technology because it does not contain harmful organic solvent and has high extraction efficiency in a short time compared with conventional extraction methods. Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) are widely known as superfood due to rich source of anthocyanin (malvidin-3-o-galgctoside) and antioxidant activity. In this study, optimal extraction condition of SWE from blueberries was determined and compared with the conventional extraction methods. SWE was carried out using a Dionex Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE, Model 350) under conditions of temperatures (110, 130, 150 and 170°C) and times (1, 3, 5 and 10 min). Total anthocyanin of SWE extracts was compared with hot water (60°C, 1 h) extract and pressed juice extract. The total anthocyanin content was determined by pH differential method. Considering both the extraction time and temperature conditions, the highest content of total anthocyanin content was 0.455 mg/g FW Vaccinium corymbosum at 130°C for 3 min. At high temperature and long extraction time, the anthocyanin in the blueberries will undergo thermal degradation due to low stability of anthocyanin at extreme condition. Besides, maximum yield of anthocyanin from blueberries using SWE was about 1.2 and 3.8 times more higher than hot water extract and pressed juice extract, respectively. Therefore, SWE is faster and more efficient method to extract anthocyanin from blueberries than conventional extraction methods. This study shows a possibility of SWE applied to food processing industry.
Metabolic syndrome, including obesity, glucose intolerance and elevated blood pressure, is related to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have reported the anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects of purple corn extract. We investigated the efficacy of purple corn extract (PC) against high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and glucose intolerance, and examined the underlying mechanisms by analyzing expression of proteins and genes involved in glucose regulation and macrophage infiltration. C57BL/6 mice were fed with normal chow diet (ND), or HFD treated with distilled water (DW, control) or PC, for 10 weeks. Although body weights were similar in the HFD-fed groups, we observed a decrease in the liver and epididymal adipose tissue (EAT) weights, and enhanced glucose tolerance test (GTT) results in the PC group, as compared with DW group. Liver showed increased Akt phosphorylation in the PC-treated mice; however, no changes were observed in the EAT, for all groups. In PC-treated mice, decreased macrophage infiltration was seen in the EAT, with a reduced expression of macrophage marker genes. Finally, proinflammatory cytokine gene expressions were decreased by PC in the EAT, and a modest trend for downregulation was observed in the liver. Hence, we conclude that PC may decrease glucose intolerance by increasing the phosphorylation of Akt and reducing the macrophage infiltration into the EAT.