남부지역에서 녹두 생력재배(whole crop feeding combine 수확)에 적합한 품종을 선발하고 종실품질을 규명하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 다현녹두는 도복과 병해에 강하고 개체당 협수가 많아 수량성이 우수하여 생력재배에 적합하였다. 국내에 많이 보급된 어울녹두와 금성녹두는 병해에 약하거나 개체 당 협수가 적어 수량이 낮았다. 종실의 전분 함량은 삼강녹두, 조단백질 함량은 장안녹두와 남평녹두 및 금성녹두, vitexin과 isovitexin 함량은 소현녹두에서 많았다. 그러나 조지방 함량은 품종 간 차이가 없었고, 불포화지방산이 51.8~57.2%, 포화지방산이 36.2~40.3% 차지하였다. 불포화지방산은 5종이 확인되었고 linoleic acid (36.1~38.6%), linolenic acid (10.3~14.7%), oleic acid (2.7~4.6%) 순으로 함량비가 높았다. 포화지방산은 7종이 확인되었고 palmitic acid (28.7~30.9%), stearic acid (2.9~4.1%), arachidic acid (1.5~3.7%) 순으로 함량비가 높았다. 종실의 amylogram 특성은 시험품종 간 큰 차이를 나타냈다. 호화개시온도는 남평 녹두에서 낮았고, 최고점도와 강화점도는 다현녹두에서 높았으며, 치반점도는 소현녹두, 남평녹두, 다현녹두에서 낮았다.
The purpose of this study was to identify mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) cultivars with appropriate characteristics for labor saving culture (whole crop feeding and combine harvesting), and to investigate seed quality in the southern South Korea. Cultivar Dahyeon exhibited strong lodging resistance, excellent disease tolerance, and greater pod numbers per plant resulting in higher yield. Cultivar Owool and Keumseong, the two most common mungbean cultivars in Korea, exhibited lower yield than Dahyeon due to weaker disease tolerance or lower pod numbers per plant. Cultivar Samgang demonstrated higher seed starch content, Jangan, Nampyeong, and Keumseong exhibited higher crude protein content, and Sohyeon exhibited higher vitexin and isovitexin contents. However, no statistical differences were found among the cultivars in crude fat content. Unsaturated fatty acid ranged from 51.8 to 57.2%, with saturated fatty acid ranging from 36.2 to 40.3%. We detected five unsaturated fatty acids including linoleic acid (36.1 to 38.6%), linolenic acid (10.3 to 14.7%), and oleic acid (2.7 to 4.6%), and seven saturated fatty acids including palmitic acid (28.7 to 30.9%), stearic acid (2.9 to 4.1%), and arachidic acid (1.5 to 3.7%). There were significant differences between the cultivars in amylogram properties of seeds: the Nampyeong cultivar exhibited a lower gelatinization temperature; Dahyeon was higher in peak viscosity and breakdown; and Sohyeon, Nampyeong, and Dahyeon were lower in setback.