본 연구는 이앙재배시 유기물시용이 벼 생육, 수량과 잡초 발생에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 조생종인 조생흑찰을 시험포장에서 수행하였다. 벼의 초장은 이앙 후 50일부터 관행구, 유박처리구에서 비슷한 수준이었으며, 쌀겨처리구에서 전 기간 동안 가장 억제되었다. 벼의 간장과 수장은 관행구와 비교하여 모든 유기물 처리구에서 비슷하게 나타났으며, 유기물 처리구 내에서는 유박처리구에서 가장 컷으며, 쌀겨 처리구에서 가장 작았다. 벼 수량은 관행구와 비교하여 호밀 녹비+쌀겨처리구와 유박처리구에서 각각 관행의 98%, 91%로 수치는 낮았지만 통계적으로 비슷한 수준이었다. 이앙 후 40일경 잡초 발생량은 화학적 방제를 실시한 관행구에서 현저히 적었으며, 유기물처리구에서는 쌀겨처리구에서 다른 유기물처리구보다 현저히 적었다. 또한 쌀겨를 병행 시용한 처리구(호밀녹비+쌀겨)에서 잡초의 발생량이 적었으며, 유박처리구에서 현저히 많은 것으로 나타났다
Objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of different organic matter on growth and yield in rice plants and suppression of weed occurrence in paddy soil. The treatments consisted of rice bran, expeller cake, or combination of rye green manure and rice bran without any agrochemical or fertilizer. At 50 days after transplanting (DAT), plant height of rice between conventional practice and expeller cake treatments were similar, while rice bran treatment was inhibited growth of rice during growing period. Also, heading date of rice among the all treatments was not significantly different. Rice yield in expeller cake or rye green manure and rice bran treatments was attained to 91% and 98% of the conventional practice, respectively, while the value in rice bran treatments was just 82%. On the other hand, at 40 DAT of rice plants, occurred major weed species in organic matter treatments were four species, while those in conventional practice were two species. Additionally, the dry weight of weeds in rice bran treatment was significantly inhibited compared to it of expeller cake or combination of rye green manure and rice bran treatments, while the value in rice bran treatment was higher than the conventional practice.