Amphiprion melanopus의 난발생과 자치어의 형태학적 발달에 대한 기초 조사와 함께, 먹이생물과 갑상선호르몬이 자치어의 성장과 체색에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 수정 후, 부화까지 총 168시간이 소요되었다. 갓 부화 자어의 크기는 평균 mm 으며, 대부분의 자어는 부화 후 경과일 수에 따라 체색 변화(변태)를 나타내었다; DAH(days afterhatching) 10: 체색 흑화, DAH 15~20: 3개의 흰 줄무늬 출현, DAH 30
The aim of this study was to investigate the egg development and the color change of Amphiprion melanopus, by the live food and thyroid hormone. After fertilizing, it took 168 h until hatching. The size of hatching larvae were mm, and some individuals had small yolk sac. As reaching the particular age, they underwent the color change (metamorphosis) - Days after hatching (DAH) 10: black, DAH 15~20: the 3 white stripes appear, DAH 30: the dorsal & the caudal white stripe begin to disappear. DAH 90: body color become red and orange, adult: cinnamon body color and a white stripe on head. - The group fed enriched Artemia with Tigriopus japonicus grew the faster than with only Artemia. The fin coloration of the one fed the only T. japonicus has a vivid red and orange color. -treated group (4 ppm) grew the faster than the others (0, 2, 6 ppm). The size of the 6 ppm group was the smallest. The results suggest T. japonicus can be used as a supplement with rotifer and Artemia for the juvenile development and coloration. is considered to be involved in the metamorphosis and color formation of Amphipirion sp.