In this research, the welding experiment was carried out with both the steel materials (SS400+SS400, SUS304+SUS304) and the different steel materials (SS400+ SUS304), where SS400 is a general structural rolled steel material and SUS304 is a cold strip stainless steel sheet. The average of yield point of a SS400 experimental piece was the most highest point with 2015.54 N/m2. Although welding defects were not found with the naked eye, it was sure that there were some wilding defects because there were no stress against load through experiments. The rate of yield point of experimental piece A, experimental piece B and experimental piece C was respectively 1.7mm, 1.3mm and 2.6mm. The rate of breakdown was respectively 39.77mm, 17.97mm and 2.6mm. So considering price and efficiency with use condition is very important. SS400 and SUS304 will be profited from considering price and mechanical property with use condition.