In this study, the analysis of meat quality grade was carried out on the DNA identity test samples of 452 Hanwoo (Korean cattle) raised in Gyeongnam region in the year 2009. Appearance rate of above 1st grade from cow (70%) and steer (93.16%) showed high quality grade. On the other hand, there were the difference between this study and slaughtered Hanwoo in Gyeongnam in the year 2009 - appearance rate of above 1st grade from cow (58.77%) and steer (82.99%). It expect considered influence of the samples for beef DNA identity test that collected mainly high quality meat. Quality grade by registry classification about collected samples showed correlation between pedigree classification and quality grade that appearance rate of above 1st grade highly observed pedigree registry more than advanced registry, advanced registry than fundamental registry. Although limited to DNA identity test samples, KPN (Korean Proven Bull's Number) 452 and KPN 407 was preferred for breeding in Gyeongnam. Also average appearance rate of above 1st grade in offsprings of the top 10 Korean Proven Bulls used mating is 95.35%. It means that Korean Proven Bulls influence meat quality of offsprings positively. Thus, this analysis is expected to be a base data for the improvement of meat quality of Hanwoo raised in Gyeongnam region.