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인간 동작 표현용 스프링 백본 구조 소프트 암의 구현 KCI 등재

Implementation of a Spring Backboned Soft Arm Emulating Human Gestures

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/240892
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로봇학회논문지 (The Journal of Korea Robotics Society)
한국로봇학회 (Korea Robotics Society)

This study deals with the design of a spring backboned soft arm, which will be employed for generation of human gesture as an effective means of Human‐Robot interaction. The special features of the proposed mechanism are the light weight and the flexibility of the whole mechanism by using a spring backbone. Thus, even in the case of collision with human, this device is able to absorb the impact structurally. The kinematics and the design for the soft arm are introduced. The performance of this mechanism was shown through experiment emulating several human gestures expressing human emotion and some service contents. Finally, this soft arm was implemented as the wing mechanism of a penguin robot.

  • Hyun‐Soo Yoon(Department of Electronic, Electrical, Control, and Instrumentation) | 윤현수
  • Jae Yeon Choi(Korea Institute of Robot and Convergence) | 최재연
  • Se Min Oh(Department of Intelligent Robot Engineering, Hanyang University) | 오세민
  • Byung‐Ju Yi(Department of Electronics & System Engineering, Hanyang University) | 이병주 Corresponding author :
  • Ho Sup Yoon(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)) | 윤호섭
  • Young‐Jo Cho(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)) | 조영조