새로운 팥 품종 새길 Vigna angularis은 년 밀양 국립식량과학원에서 개발하였다 새길 은 충주재래 를 모본으로 하고 충주팥전남재래 호 을 부본으로 교배하여 품종을 개발하였다 조숙 대립 내재해성 계통으로 선발된 품종으로 밀양 로 명명하였으며 년간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 고품질의 내재해 다수성 품종으로 선발하여 이후 새길 로 명명하였다 새길 은 개화기 및 성숙기가 대조군인 충주팥에 비해 일 빠르고 개화기간은 일 짧다 생산력검정시험 결과 립중은 으로 충주팥보다 무거웠으며 당 평균수량은 으로 나타났다
A new azuki bean variety ‘Saegil’ (Vigna angularis Ohwi & Ohashi) was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in Milyang in 2007. It was developed from the cross between ‘IT189400’ and ‘SA8412’. In 2004, a promising line, which has the characteristics of early ripening, large grain, and disease and stress resistance, was selected and designated as the name of ‘Milyang 1’. ‘Milyang 1’ showed high yielding and good grain quality at the regional adaption yield trials for three years. ‘Milyang 1’ was released to new azuki-bean variety as the name of ‘Saegil’. ‘Saegil’ showed 3 to 6 days early ripening than that of ‘Choungjoo’. Its 100 grain weight is about 18.1 g showing 1.2 g heavier than that of ‘Choungjoo’. The yield potential of this variety was 141 kg per 10a at the nationwide regions.