연구의 대상지는 경남 산청군 단성면 남사리에 소재하고 있는 남사예담촌으로, 전통 농촌경관이 고스란히 보전되어 있는 전통문화마을이다. 남사예담촌의 원경은 양호하나 마을내 일부 돌담으로 가려진 한옥내부가 유휴지나 텃밭으로 이용․방치되어있거나, 돌담 보수처리가 원활하지 못하여 훼손된 경관을 보여주고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 방치되어 있는최소공간에 돌담, 마을안길, 전통놀이 시설물 등의 전통정원 요소를 도입하여 전통문화마을의 주거경관 및 환경개선에 도움을 줄 수 있는 전통정원계획을 수립하고자 한다.
This paper researches the landscape planning for a traditional garden in Namsa-Yedamchon, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do which is a traditional culture village to be preserved in a traditional rural landscape. It is needed to plan the landscape for the traditional garden using traditional garden design that is maximized to result in an environmental and cultural design plan using minimum space, because traditional houses are in a state of total neglect. Although, the distant view of this village is in good condition. This study is targeted at the furthering landscape planning for a traditional cultural space with traditional landscape elements like stone walls, a street corner, etc. and species of trees that can give the feeling of seasonal changes In conclusion, this study suggested that local residents and visitors would experience healing functions in the traditional garden which not only has traditional landscape elements fitting into its surroundings, but also trees and other environmental elements relating to its healing function.