There are some problems of lacking the information on the safety of cement products and for determining harmfulness due to differences in the concentrations of heavy metals according to organizations. Thus, the harmfulness of heavy metals in cement products has been monitored by one time per month since August 2008 and the results have also been noticed for every month. In this study, the concentrations of seven different heavy metals (Cr(Ⅵ), T-Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, As, and Hg) in cement products collected from 11 factories of 9 manufacturers are verified for every month and changes in the concentrations are also compared with the cement products of Japan, Germany, USA, and China. The company, HO, in domestic companies represents the highest values in four items and AJ shows the next high values. Thus, regarding these two manufacturers, it is necessary to take an effort for reducing the concentrations of five heavy metals through considering the major and alternative raw materials for producing their cement products. the chrome conversion rates in domestic cement products are about 36.4 % and that exhibits higher rates about 16.0 % and 8.3 %, 2.3 and 4.3 times, than that of Japan and USA, respectively.