‘원예30004’는 웅성불임계통으로 초형은 직립형, 구색은 황색이며 도복기는 5월 15일로 중생계통이다. 초장은 57 cm, 주당 엽수는 7매이며 엽초경과 엽초장은 각 각 14.8 cm, 20 cm이다. 구중은 320 g으로 대구형이며 구형은 구형지수가 95인 고구형이다. 내한성이 강하고 저장성이 높은 특성을 가 지고 있지만 노균병에는 다소 약하다. 채종모구의 개화기는 6 월 1일이며 화경수는 4개이며 화경장과 화구폭은 각각 116cm, 96 mm이며 웅성불임 발현율은 100%이다.
A male sterile is essential for development of hybrid onion varieties. An onion male sterile line ‘Wonye30004’ was developed by Bioenergy Crop Research Center, NICS, RDA in South Korea in 2009. It was used to producing hybrid seed of onion. It is mid-late maturing type and lodging date is on May 15th. It was selected from ‘402AC203’ inbred population and cross-pollinated with a male fertile line, ‘M4’. The populations showed 100% male sterility for subsequent four back-cross generations. ‘Wonye30004’ was numbered as ‘MMS30’ in 2009 and the corresponding male parent is called MMSB30. ‘Wonye30004’ has round bulb shape (Bulb index, 95), cold resistance, and excellent storage quality and average bulb weight is 320g. Lodging date in field test is May 15th. Flowering date is June 1th and flower bud size is 96mm when full bloom. The number and length of flower stalks per bulb are 4 and 116cm, respectively. ‘Wonye30004’ was filed in Korea Seed and Variety Service in 2010. Overall, this line will be useful for onion hybrid seed production and breeding program.