양파 웅성불임 계통 ‘원예30003’은 2002년 ‘402AC203’ 자식 집단에서 웅성불임개체를 선발하여 고정종 자식계통 ‘M2’ 를 교배하여 2004년에 유지계통을 선발하고 2009년까지 4회 여교잡을 하여 계통의 안정성을 확인한 후 ‘MMS26’로 명명 하였다. 2009년에 직무육성신품종 심사를 거쳐 2010년에 국립종자원에 ‘원예30003’로 품종보호 출원하였다. ‘원예30003’ 은 웅성불임계통으로 초형은 직립형 이며 조생계통으로 도복 기는 5월 6일이다. 초장은 72 cm, 엽수 8매, 엽초경은 20.6 cm로 지상부의 생육이 왕성하며 구중은 300 g, 구형지수 89 인 원형의 황색양파계통이다. 저장성과 노균병에는 다소 약하 나 내한성이 강하다. 모구의 채종특성으로 개화기는 5월 24 일이며 채종모구의 화경수는 4개, 화경장은 115 cm, 화구폭 은 86 mm이며 웅성불임 발현율은 100%로 안정적이다.
Onion male sterile line ‘Wonye30003’ was developed by Bioenergy Crop Research Center, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in South Korea in 2009. Cytoplasmic-genic male-sterility (CMS) system has been used to economically produce hybrid onion seed. The first cross for introduction of CMS was conducted in 2002. Male-sterile parents which were selected from ‘402AC203’ breeding lines were pollinated with male fertile line ‘M2’ (inbred line). The fertility test was conducted in 2004 and maintainer line ‘M2-10’ was used. The male-sterility rate of F1 population was 100% for subsequent four backcross generations. ‘Wonye30003’ was named ‘MMS26’ in 2008 and the corresponding male parent was called ‘MMSB26’. As an early maturing type, lodging date is arround May 6. ‘Wonye30003’ has round bulb and the average bulb weight is 300 g. Plant height and stem diameter are 72 cm and 20.6 mm, respectively. Number and the length of flower stalks per mother bulb are 4 and 115 cm, respectively. Flowering date is May 24 and flower bud size is 86 mm. This line can be used as a male sterile line for onion hybrid seed production and breeding program.