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조선족 선교의 과제와 전망 KCI 등재

Missiological Tasks for Korean Diasporas in China

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243233
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,100원
선교신학 (Theology of Mission)
한국선교신학회 (The Korean Society of Mission Studies)

The article aims to analyze the mission없y activities of Korean churches for Korean diaspora in China and to suggest some missiological tasks for them. The article consists of three parts. The first p따t deals with the Korean diasporas in China for whom Korean churches have done missionary activities since 1980s. Such as a historical formation of the diaspora community and a reflection of the missionary enterprises of the Korean churches and their missiological tasks for them are included. The second p따t discusses the Korean diasporas in China who have immigrated into Korea as foreign migrant workers. Also the article criticizes the missionary activities of the Korean churches for them and proposes some missiological tasks. The last part emphasizes on realization of the Konvivenz mission which results from the missiological reflections on the missionary activities of the churches. The Konvivenz mission is accomplished through mutual efforts of both the Korean churches and the KoreanChinese.

  • 임희모(한일장신대) | Hee-Mo Yim
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