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초등 교사들의 사회과 관련 PLC 참여경험의 의미 KCI 등재

A Study on the Significance of Elementary School Teachers' Social Studies Related PLC Participation Experience

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243599
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교원교육 (Korean Journal of Teacher Education)
한국교원대학교 교육연구원 (Center For Education Research)

본 연구는 사회과 관련 PLC(Professional Learning Community)에 참여 중인 초등 교사들을 대상으로 하여 PLC 참여경험의 의미를 밝혀보고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 교과교 육적 관점에서 PLC의 개념과 속성을 정립하고, 사회과 관련 PLC에 참여 중인 교사들의 경험 을 통해 PLC 참여경험이 교사 개인의 사회과 전문성 신장에 어떠한 의의를 가지는지 논의해 보았으며, PLC라는 교사들의 협력적 활동이 교사들의 성장과 사회과 전문성 신장을 위한 교사 교육에 시사하는 바를 탐색해 보았다. 교사들의 PLC 참여경험의 양상을 분석한 결과 가장 먼저, 교사들이 사회과 PLC에 진정한 참여자가 되기 위해서는 구성원 간에 PLC가 추구하는 목적과 의도를 이해하는 합의의 과정이 필요하며 이를 통해 PLC 활동의 ‘가치’를 ‘공유’하여야만 진정한 참여가 일어남을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 사회과 PLC 참여교사들은 사회과에 집중된 주제를 설정하고 공동으로 탐구하는 ‘학습’을 경험하였다. 셋째, 사회과 PLC 참여교사들은 초등 사회과 교사로서의 ‘정체성’을 찾아 가는 모습을 보였다. 이러한 교사들의 참여경험의 개인적 의미를 토대로 PLC라는 교사들의 공 동체적 활동의 특징과 의의를 상황학습이론과 자기생산이론을 바탕으로 탐색해본 결과 첫째, 사회과 관련 PLC는 ‘참여’와 ‘실행’을 통해 사회과 전문성을 함양하며 둘째, 사회과 관련 PLC 는 ‘대화’와 ‘접촉’을 통해 지식과 사고를 확장해 나감을 확인할 수 있었다.

This study is aimed at identifying the meaning of PLC participation experience of elementary school teachers involved in social studies-related PLC(Professional Learning Community). Towards this end, this study attempted to establish concepts and properties of the PLC from the viewpoint of curriculum and instruction, and discuss the significance of PLC participation experience on the individual teachers' enhancement of professional expertise through experience of teachers participating in social studies-related PLC. In addition, the implication of teachers' collaborative activities represented by PLC on teacher education for teachers' professional growth and enhancement of expertise in social studies was explored. From the results of analysis on the patterns of teacher's participation in PLC, it was found that first, the process of mutual agreement between members to understand the purpose and intent of PLC is required for teachers to become true participants in the social studies PLC, and the true participation happens through ‘sharing value’ of PLC activities. Second, teachers experienced ‘learning’ focused on social studies in social studies PLC. Third, teachers participating in the social studies PLC appeared to find their ‘identities’ as elementary social studies teachers. Based on the personal meanings of teachers' participation experience, features and significance of the teachers' community activities of PLC were investigated through situated learning theory and autopoiesis theory. The results are as follows. First, teachers are required to cultivate social studies expertise through ‘participation’ and ‘execution’ in social studies-related PLC. Topics established in PLC are directly related to social studies class or social studies-related activities, and since their exploration is based on the practice, teachers participating in PLC need to plan and execute activities, taking practical situations in which the results are applied into account. Second, social studies-related PLC helps to expand the knowledge and thinking through ‘dialogue’ and ‘contact’. As each individual performs autopoiesis in a changing environment through ‘full engagement’ and ‘dialogue’ and continues this autopoiesis through structural coupling with environment that includes different individuals, each other's knowledge, experience and perspective is shared through the conversation focused on the social studies in PLC, and intellectual and spiritual production activities occur in this process.

  • 정민희(부산 금강초등학교) | Jung, Min-Hee
  • 남상준(한국교원대학교) | Nam, Sang-Joon 교신저자
  • 권정화(한국교원대학교) | Kwon, Jung-Hwa