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분화용 거베라 계통의 수분 시기 및 방법에 따른 종자 형성 능력 KCI 등재

Seed Formation of Lines for Pot Gerbera by Crossing Time and Methods

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243665
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
화훼연구 (Flower Research Journal)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

분화용 거베라의 채종 체계를 확립하기 위하여 ‘Ge- 10-47’(S4) 등 2계통에 대하여 1월부터 12월까지 15일 간격으로 자가수분을 실시하였고, ‘Ge-10-47’ 등 5계통 에 대하여 자가 수분, 형매 교배 및 타가수분 등의 교 배 방법에 따른 결실화율 및 결실화 당 종자 수를 조 사하였다. 교배시기별로는 주간 25 ± 3οC/야간 15 ± 3οC 가 유지되는 4-5월과 9-10월은 결실화율은 80% 이상이 고, 결실화 당 종자 수는 20개에서 70개로 다른 시기 보다 월등히 많았으나 겨울(11-2월) 및 여름(6-8월)에는 수정이 거의 안 되거나 낮게 나타났다. 교배 방법에 따 른 결실화율은 자가수분이 58.2%, 형매 교배는 70.8%, 타가수분은 77.5%이었다. 결실화 당 종자수도 자가수분 이 14.1개, 형매 교배가 19.0개, 타가수분은 22.7개를 나타냈다. 형매 교배 및 타가수분의 결실율이 자가수분 보다 높고, 결실화 당 채종립도 많은 경향이었다. 또한 교배 횟수는 2회가 알맞았고, 계통의 세대가 진전될수록 결실화율 및 결실화 당 종자 수는 현저히 적었다.

This study was carried out to evaluate the seed formation by crossing time and methods using 5 inbred lines (S4) of Gerbera hybrida. The rate of ripening seed setting of self crossing did not formed or very low during winter, early November to early March, summer, and early June to late August. However, during the spring from middle of April to middle of May, and autumn from middle of September to middle of October shows around 25 ± 3οC in day time/15 ± 3οC in night, the two lines of ‘Ge-10-47’ and ‘Ge-10- 51’ were formed above 80% of seed set and increased number of seed in a capsule ranged 20 to 70. And the total number of harvest seed per plant in a year of ‘Ge-10-47’ and ‘Ge-10-51’ was 186.2 and 124.5, respectively. The days to seed ripening were shorter in summer days than that of other days. However, the ripening seed setting by selfing was low to 58.2% and its seed numbers in a capsule was also low to 14.1. The ripening seed capitulum and number of seed in a capitulum of sib crossing was much more than that of selfing in all lines. However, the out crossings were formed 77.5% of ripening seed and increased number of seed in a capsule averaged 22.7 compared to selfing or sib crossing. The two or three times crossing had more increased rate of ripening seed and number of seed in a capitulum than that of self crossing. As the generation increased from S1 to S4, the rate of ripening seed capitulum and number of seed in a capitulum was decreased.

  • 송천영(한국농수산대학 화훼학과) | Cheon Young Song Corresponding author
  • 송은경(서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) | Eun Kyung Song