Permeation Behavior of Semiconductor Rinsing Wastewater Containing Si Particles in Ultrafiltration System -I. Permeation Characteristics of Polysulfone Flat Plate Membrane-
본 연구는 Si 미립자를 함유한 반도체 세정폐수의 평판막을 이용한 한외여과특성을 검토하였다. 평판막의 투과유속은 시간이 경과함에 따라 점차 감소하는 경향을 나타냈으며, 이현상은 막표면에 형성된 케익층의 증가 및 기공막힘에 기인한다. 흐름형태에 따른 투과유속은 cross flow가 dead-end flow의 약 1.4배 높았다. Si 미립자에 의한 막오염을 제거하는데는 역세법이 sweeping법 보다 우수하였다. 막오염으로 인한 투과유속의 감소는 질소가스로 역세척하여 초기투과유속의 약 85% 정도 회복되었다. 평판막을 이용한 cross flow 공정의 용질배제율은 약 90%였으며, 투과수증의 Si 미립자의 크기는 평균 70 nm였다.
Permeation behavior of the semiconductor rinsing wastewater containing Si particles was examined by ultrafiltration using the polysulfone plate membrane. The permeation flux was gradually decreased with time. It was due to the growth of cake deposited on the membrane surface and the pore plugging by Si particles. Permeation flux of cross flow type was 1.4 times higher than that of the dead end flow type. Nitrogen back flushing which is the removing method of membrane fouling was superior to the water sweeping. With nitrogen back flushing, the decrease of permeation flux due to the fouling was recovered about 85 % to the initial flux in the flat plate membrane system. The rejection rate of Si particles was about 90 % and the size of Si particle in the permeate was about 70 nm.