참외 착과 생력화 및 품질향상을 위하여 사계절꿀참외에 성주토좌호박을 합접하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구와 착과제 처리구를 비교하였다 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에 비하여 착과제 처리구에서 과중이 무겁고 과육두께가 두꺼운 경향이었으나 당도 및 경도는 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 높은 경향이었다. 2월 하순부터 3월 상순까지의 착과율은 착과제 처리구의 95%에 비하여 꿀벌은 46%, 호박벌은 45%로 착과율이 낮았으나, 3월 중순부터는 꿀벌, 호박벌 방사구 및 착과제 처리구 공히 착과율이 98%이상으로 높아 참외 시설재배시 벌을 이용한 착과 시기는 3월 중순이후가 적당한 것으로 판단되었다. 과실의 색도는 착과제 처리구에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 우수한 경향이었으며 특히 a값이 높았다. 발효과율은 착과제 처리구의 28.1%에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 각각 95%, 9.1%천 매우 낮았으며, 백립중은 착과제 처리구의 0.08g에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 각각 0.17g, 0.15g으로 무거워 백립중이 무거우면 무거울수록 발효과율이 감소하였다. 기형과율은 착과제 처리구에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 다소 높았으나 상품과율은 착과제 처리구의 62.5%에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 각각 82% 및 80.3%로 높았다. 과실의 감모율을 조사한 결과, 착과제 처리구에 비하여 꿀벌 및 호박벌 방사구에서 수확한 과실의 감모율이 적었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 꿀벌 및 호박벌의 도입으로 참외 착과 생력화가 가능하고 품질향상이 가능함을 알 수 있었다.
A study was conducted on three pollination methods on oriental melon(sageageol-ggul) grafting with pumpkin(seongjutozoa) for the labor-saving and to improve fruit set. Fruit weight, flesh thickness and fruit setting rate of oriental melon were greater in growth regulators treatment than those of pollinated by bees. Sugar content and hardness of fruits pollinated by bees were higher than those of by growth regulators. From the last ten days of the February to the first ten days of the March, fruit setting rate was 95% in fruit setting growth regulators, whereas it was 46% and 45% in pollinated by honey and bumble bee, respectively. After the middle of March, the percentage of fruit setting was 〉98% in all the pollination methods. The cultivation under plastic houses of oriental melon, suitable fruiting time far the pollination by bees was decided after middle days of the March. Chromaticity and especially the value of 'a' of fruit of oriental melon pollinated by bees were higher than those of growth regulators. The percentage of fermented fruits of bee pollinated and growth regulators treated was 6.7~9.1% and 28.1%, respectively. The weight of 100 seeds of bees pollinated were higher than that of growth regulators. The more increased the weight of 100 seeds the less appeared the rate of fermented fruits. The percentage of marketable fruits of the honey and bumble bee pollinated and that of growth regulators treated was 82%, 80.3% and 62.5%, respectively. The decreasing rate of fruit weight during storage of bees pollinated was less than those of growth regulators. In these results, the introduction of honey bee and bumble bee for the pollination of oriental melon was able to labor-saving of fruit set and increase of fruit quality.