자주초롱꽃(Campanula punctata 'Rubriflora')의 자가영양배양시 CO2 농도,환기횟수 및 광도가 소식물체의 생장에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 1,500μmol·m-1고농도CO2에서는 광도를 높일수록 초장, 엽수가 증가되었으나, 최대근장은 유의성이 인정되지 않았다 엽록소의 함량은 광도가 높을 때보다는 낮은 경우인 70μmol·m-2s-1에서 가장 많이 증가되었다 엽면적은 광도가 높을수록 작아지는 경향을 보였으며, CO2 1,500μmol·mol-1 환기횟수 2.8h-l, PPF 220μmol·m-2·s-1에서 가장 큰 차이로 작게 나타났다. 생체중과 건물중은 CO2 농도, 환기횟수, PPF가 높을수록 증가되었다. 특히 CO2 1,500μmol·mol-1, 환기횟수 2.8h-1, PPF 220μmol·m-2·s-1에서 가장 크게 증가되었다. 환기횟수의 영향은 전반적으로 적었다. 종합적으로 자주초롱꽃 소식물체의 기내 자가영양배양 차량번식을 위해서는 CO2 1,500μmol·mol-1, PPF 220μmol·m-2·s-1의 조건이 적합하였다.
Growth of Campanula punctata 'Rubriflora' plantlets, as affected by three levels of photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), 70, 110, and 220μmol·m-2·s-1, two levels of CO2 concentration, 500 and 1,500μmol·m-1, and two levels of number of air exchanges per hour (NAEH), 0.1 and 2.8 h-l, was studied. Explants were obtained from photomixotrophically-micropropagated plantlets. Four explants were planted in each 3.7×10-4m3 polycarbonate box containing MS basal medium and no added sucrose. Explants were cultured under cool-white fluorescent lamps for 16h·d-1, at 25±1℃ temperature, and 70~80% relative humidity In treatments of 2.8h-1 NAEH, a 10mm round hole made on the vessel cap was sealed with a microporous filter. For higher CO2 concentrations in the culture room, CO2 gas was provided from a tank of liquefied CO2. Fresh and dry weights, length of the longest root, and number of leaves significantly increased with increasing PPF and especially CO2 concentration. Length of the longest root, number of leaves, fresh and dry weights, and chlorophyll concentration were enhanced with increased NAEH. However, leaf area was the smallest in the 220μmol·m-2·s-1 PPF 2.8h-1 NAEH and especially, 1,500μmol·mol-1 CO2 concentration treatment. Treatment effect became more produced with time. Overall, treatment with 220μmol·m-2·s-1 PPF and 1,500μmol·mol-1 CO2 gave the most vigorous growth.