피트모스를 기본으로 한 3종의 혼합 고형배지의 물리화학적 특성 분석과 3종의 배지 및 양액농도(EC 0.5~1.5dS·m-1가 토마토(일광 토마토 ) 플러그묘의 초기생장(파종 후 31일째)에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 혼합배지의 물리화학적 특성은 피트모스의 혼입비율이 많아질수록 보수력이 증가하였고, 공극율은 모든 혼합 배지 처리에서 80% 이상이었다. pH와 EC피트모스의 혼입비율이 많을수록 pH는 낮아졌고, EC는 전반적으로 3.6~4.8dS·m-1 정도의 범위로 비교적 높게 나타났다. 양질의 토마토 플러그묘 생산에 가장 좋았던 혼합배지는 피트모스:왕겨:훈탄:부숙톱밥:펄라이트=25:10:25:20:20(v/v)였다. 관비 양액농도(EC)는 대조구(수돗물, EC 1dS·m-1)에 비해 관비 양액농도(EC 0.5, 1.0, 1.5dS·m-1)가 높아질수록 초장, 엽면적 및 총건물 생산량 등이 현저히 높아졌다.
This study was conducted to clarify the effects of the different mixing ratios of substrate mixtures based on peat moss and the concentration of nutrient solution on the growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings. Substrates such as peat moss, rice hull, carbonized rice hull, decomposed sawdust, perlite and granular rock wool were mixed and used. The concentration of nutrient solution were adjusted to EC 0.5~1.5mS/cm. The volumetric moisture contents became higher as peat moss mixed were much more. Total porosities in all substrate mixtures were over 80%, and pH in substrate mixtures became lower as the volume of peat moss mixed higher. Mixing ratios of substrates suitable for the production of tomato seedlings with the higher quality were peat moss:rice hull:carbonized rice hull:decomposed sawdust:perlite=25:10:25:20:20(v/v). The plant growth was not significant among the different substrate mixtures. However, plant growth such as plant height, leaf area, and total dry weight became significantly increased as EC increasing.