Effects of Organic Materials on Changes in Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Nutrient Uptake Efficiency in Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
본 연구는 탄소 : 질소(탄질)비가 다른 유기자재를 시용하였을 때 시기별 양분의 동태와 유기재배 수수*수단그라스의 비료이용율에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 처리구는 질소함량 210kg/ha 수준으로 축분퇴비, 알팔파, 유박, 화학비료를 포함하였다. 유박과 알팔파는 가장 낮은 탄질비를 나타내었고 축분퇴비는 33.7 : 1의 가장 높은 탄질비를 보였다. 축분퇴비는 시용량이 가장 많았고 이에 따라 토양내 양분농도를 증가시켰다. 탄질비가 낮은 유박과 알팔파는 축분퇴비에 비해서 질소의 무기화율을 촉진시켰다. 질소이용효율은 화학비료구에 비해서 알팔파와 유박이 약 60% 전후를 나타내었고, 축분퇴비는 20% 이하의 효율이 관찰되었다. 인산의 이용효율은 알팔파가 가장 높았고 축분퇴비가 가장 낮았다. 이에 따라 탄질비를 고려한 유기자재를 선택해서 밭토양에 시비를 해야 할 것으로 판단되었다.
This study was conducted to evaluate soil nutrient concentrations and fertilizer recovery of sorghum- sudangrass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) as affected by organic nutrient sources. The treatments included livestock compost, alfalfa hay, oilcake, and chemical fertilizer. Nutrient applications were made at the rates equivalent to approximately 210 kg N per hectare. The oilcake and alfalfa materials had the lowest C : N ratio, but the livestock compost had the highest C:N ratio such as 33.7 : 1. The livestock compost resulted in the highest input to ground surface, which increased nutrient concentrations in soil. The oilcake and alfalfa materials with low C : N ratios increased N-mineralization rate in soil compared to livestock. The N uptake efficiency in plants treated by alfalfa or oilcake was approximately 60% of those treated with chemical fertilizer; but those with livestock compost had N uptake efficiency lower than 20%. The P2O5 uptake efficiency was the highest in the plants treated with the alfalfa hay, but the lowest in those with livestock compost. Recommendation of organic material selection should consider C:N ratio of the raw materials based on the individual crop requirement.