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원행을묘정리의궤(園行乙卯整理儀軌) 중(中) 조리면(調理面)에서 본 반과상고(盤果床考) KCI 등재

A Study of Cookery of Daily Meal (Bankwa Sang: Fruit Table) in Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/252881
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 9,200원
韓國食生活文化學會誌 (한국식생활문화학회지)
한국식생활문화학회 (The Korean Society Of Food Culture)

To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Bankwa Sang(Fruit Table) were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book 'Jungri Euigwae' described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb 'Hyun Neung Won', during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study areas follows. The fruit table, which similar in concept to desert in the west but quite different in service, was prepared for a guest. The table consisted of two kinds of trays, on which serveral kinds of fruit were stacked to a height of between 4 chon (4寸 : about 12 cm) and 1 chuk(1尺 : about 30.3 cm) according to Korean measurement system. The table was decorated with beautiful artificial flowers made of paper and silk. The number of sets to be arranged on the table were different according to the royal status of the eater: 12 sets-25 sets for king's mother, 7 sets-11 sets for the king. Soy sauce mixed with vinegar and pine-nu meal, mustard were ruled out from kind of sets. Kinds of dishes served with a meal generally were noodles (麵), soup (湯), fried fish (煎油花), fried meats and vegetables (花陽灸), slices of raw fish (魚膾), minced raw meat (肉膾), slices of boiled beef (片肉), stew (蒸), rice cake (餠), sweet rice dish (藥飯), patterned savory cake (茶食), fried cake made of wheat flour, honey and oil (藥果), fried glutinous rice cake (强精), various fruits preserved in honey (正果), sugar candies (各色糖), fruits (果物) honey (淸), soy sauce mixed with vinegar and pine-nut meal (醋醬), mustard (莽子).

  • 김상보 | Kim, Sang-Bo
  • 한복진 | Han, Bok-Jin
  • 이성우 | Lee, Sung-Woo