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삼지구엽초(三枝九葉草) 자생지(生地生) 환경(環境) 특성(特性) KCI 등재

Habitat Environment of Epimedium koreanum Nakai

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/254606
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한국약용작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Medical Crop Science)
한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

본 연구는 1995년부터 1997년까지 경기도와 강원도 5개군 7개소를 중심으로 자생하는 삼지구엽초의 환경특성을 구명하여 삼지구엽초 작물화재 배연구의 기초자료로 제공하고자 수행하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조사된 자생지는 대체로 북서 사면에 표고 60~400m, 경사도 2~20%인 곳의 냇가에서 5~80m 주위로 물줄기를 따라 장타원으로 위치하고 있었다. 2. 자생지 토양은 잔자갈이 있는 양토 또는 사양토로서 가비중이 0.74~1.26g/cm3, 공극율 52.5~72.1%로 나타났다. 3. 토양화학성은 pH 4.1~5.8, 유기물함량 4.9~6.6%, 유효인산 21~125 ppm, 치환성양이온 (me/100g)은 K+ 0.35~1.09, Ca++5.42~18.73, Mg++ 0.99~1.53, CEC는 14.8~34.3me/100g이었다. 4. 자생지는 주로 개암나무, 떡갈나무, 참나무 등 낙엽광엽활엽수에 의하여 차광되어 취, 둥굴레, 삽주, 뱀딸기, 제비꽃 등 반음지식물과 함께 자생하고 있었다. 5. 삼지구엽초 군락에 도달하는 광투과 정도는 노지 대비 relative photon flux density 3.5~13.1% 상대조도는 3.3~11.9% 였으며 기온은 4.3~6.5℃낮았다. 또한 지온은 5월에서 8월까지 17.5~20.1℃로 경과되어 외기기온의 25.1~30.8℃에 비하여 낮았으나 변화폭이 작았다.

This study was carried out to evaluate environmental and ecological characteristics of natural habitat for cultivation of Epimedium koreanum. Habitat of E. koreanum was the slope foot of mountain descending gradually toward mostly northwest from top of mountain with slope of 2~20% and the altitude ranged from 60 to 400m above the sea level. Some physiochemical characteristics of habitat soil were as follows: pH, 4.1~5.8, organic matters content, 4.9~6.6% and cation exchange capacity, 14.8~34.3 me/100g soil, respectively. Habitats were shaded by deciduous broad-leaved tree mainly, and compared with those of naked area, relative photon flux density was 3.5~13.1% and relative luminance was 3.3~11.9% due to shading. Air temperature of habitat under shade was 4.3~6.5℃ lower than that of naked area. Habitat soil temperature was lower than that of naked area but temperature range was smaller than that of naked area. E. koreanum plants were growing with semishading plants under shade of tree leaf. From investigation of natural characteristics of habitat, it was concluded that E. koreanum plant would grow at place with a little change in temperature and moisture of soil which was caused by shading and mulching with litterfall of broad-leaved tree.

  • 박경열 | Park, Kyeong-Yeol
  • 최병열 | Choi, Byoung-Ryourl
  • 이은섭 | Yi, Eun-Sub
  • 김순재 | Kim, Sun-Jae
  • 박철호 | Park, Cheol-Ho