자소엽의 연중생산에 필요한 파종전처리 기술을 확립하기 위하여, 자소종자의 GA3 처리시 적정 처리농도, 침지시간 및 고온발아에 미치는 영향을 조사하였고, 만기파종시 포장에서 GA3 처리, 복토깊이 및 왕겨피복 등이 출아에 미치는 상호작용을 비교하였다. GA3 처리농도에 따른 발아특성은 100 ppm에서 가장 좋았으며, 100 ppm GA3 처리시 종자의 침지시간에 따른 발아특성은 12시간 이상에서는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 발아온도에 따른 100 ppm GA3 처리효과는 온도가 높을수록 발아속도와 발아일수가 빨라졌으며, 11일째에는 발아온도에 관계없이 95%이상의 높은 발아율을 보였으나, 무처리구는 20℃ 이상 온도가 높을수록 발아율이 낮았다. 만기파종시 출아율은 파종시기에 관계없이 100 ppm GA3용액에 침지파종후 5 mm의 복토와 10 mm 왕겨피복구에서 가장 높았다.
GA3 treatments for seeds of Perilla frutescens var. acuta Kudo were evaluated as a means of improving the percent germination, and the interactions of GA3, mulching, and sowing depth on seedling emergence were investigated in late sowing. Percentage germination of seeds treated with different concentration of GA3 was the most effective in 100 ppm treatment for 24 hours. The germinability according to the seeds soaking time was not significantly different over 12 hours in 100 ppm GA3. At high temperature (25℃ and 30℃), percentage germination was significantly increased in 100 ppm GA3 treatment. In late sowing (1th or 15th May), seedling emergence was significantly higher in 100 ppm GA3 treatment than nontreatment, and that was significantly increased when the seeds treated with 100 ppm GA3 were mulched with 10 mm rice hull after molding with 5 mm soil depth.