The bramble cultivated widely in South Korea, which is known as Bokbunja-ddal-gi, is regarded as having originated from Korean native Rubus coreanus. This study was carried out to obtain basic phylogenetic information on Korean cultivated bramble (KCB) by comparing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions with those of R. coreanus, blackberry (R. lanciniatus), black (R. occidentalis) and red (R. idaeus) raspberry. Sequences of the ITS 1 suggest that some KCB accessions share a significant similarity with both R. occidentalis and R. coreanus in the ITS 1 region. The ITS 2 sequences of the three KCB accessions clustered more closely to those of two R. occidentalis accessions than to those of R. coreanus. These results suggest that there exist variations in the sequences of ITS among KCB accessions and KCB accessions are more closely related to black raspberry than R. coreanus in the ITS regions.