In this study, whitening activity of Lithospermum erythrorhizon extracts were investigated according to several extraction processes: water extraction at 100℃ (WE100) and 60℃ (WE60), 70% ethyl alcohol extraction (EE) and ultra high pressure extraction (HPE) at 500 MPa for 30 minutes at 60℃. The extracts from ultra high pressure extraction showed the highest tyrosinase inhibition and melanogenesis inhibition activities as 52% and 79.5%, respectively, in adding 1mg/ml than others extraction processes. HPE extracts also showed the strong reducing power as 3.19 that absorbance at 450 mm. The contents of polyphenol in WE100, we measured as 10.1μg/ml in adding 1mg/ml. Extracts have a high total flavonoid contents by HPE as 4.1μg/ml at 1mg/ml. We can conclude that better whitening activity of extracts from high pressure extraction was due to high antioxidant activities which could be extracted by higher polyphenol and flavonoid contents in HPE than others.