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1,1,1-TCE, CFC-113 대체세정제를 이용한 스크린인쇄 세정연구 KCI 등재

Study on the Cleaning Screen Printing using Alternative Cleaning Solvent of 1,1,1-TCE, CFC-113

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/257160
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한국응용과학기술학회지 (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology)
한국응용과학기술학회(구 한국유화학회) (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology (KSAST))

The field of printing use to pressurization ink using screen gassamer that is called screen printing. Existing cleaning solvent using screen printing are the organic solvents including aromatic compounds carried with poisonous and stench. Besides, cleaning method of current screen printing are for the most part mixed cleaning method of dipping and polish. Using 1,1,1-TCE, CFC-113 alternative system cleaning solvent be substituted for existing cleaning solvent against screen printing ink measured the cleaning efficiency according to gravimetric analysis method and property change of gassamer according to Image Analyzer. Also, Cleaning process system carry with excellent cleaning efficiency studied which was proposed new cleaning process including ultrasonic and vibration cleaning process be substituted for existing mixed cleaning method of dipping and polish.

  • 이기창 | Lee, Ki-Chang
  • 윤철훈 | Yoon, Cheol-Hun
  • 황성규 | Hwang, Sung-Kwy
  • 오세영 | Oh, Se-Young
  • 이석우 | Lee, Seok-Woo
  • 류정욱 | Ryu, Jung-Wok