Effects of Media, Hormones, and PFP on the Proliferation of Red Callus in Leaf Tissue Cultures of Garden Orach(Atriplex hortensis L.)
The effects of medium, hormones, and PFP on the proliferation of red callus in leaf tissue cultures of Garden orach(Atriplex hortensis L.) was investigated. As a result,88% of leaf tissues formed eallus on MS nledium containing 2mg/l 2,4-D. Fresh weight of callus was higher on MS medium than on Bsand NN media. It was also found that 2, 4-D was more effective than Dicamba and Picloram. The op-timum concentrations of hormones for callus proliferation depended on culture media. Isolated red cal-lus grew markedly both on MS medium supplemented with 1-2mg/l 2, 4-D and Bs medium contain-ing 2-4111g/l 2,4D. Callus proliferated on B5 and NN media containing Dicabma Img/l as well as onthe same media containing 2mg/l Picioram. The addition of PFP concentrations of 2, 5, and 40mg/ lrcspectiely to culture medium caused increase of callus fresh weight, especially under light condition.