In the past, the U.S. NRC(Nuclear Regulatory Commission) strictly required testing of the EDG for NPP through Reg.Guide 1.108 Rev 1. However, these test requirements acted as a deterioration and wear factor for diesel engines, and are now applying Reg.Guide 1.9 Rev 3, which relaxed regulatory requirements and improved performance monitoring. After applying the new regulatory guidelines in this study, the EDG analyzed the performance of the combustion chamber. As a result, there were no signs of deterioration or decreased performance of the current EDG. This is due to slow start, short operation time, the use of high quality fuel oil and proper maintenance. On the other hand, if the performance is proven, it is judged that proper period extension of cylinder maintenance is possible.
Plasma polymerization of Perfluoropropene(PFP) was carried out in a tubular type reactor. The Plasma was generated by coupling inductively under the fixed discharge power of 25W and the pressure of 100, 140, and 200 mTorr of radio frequency generator. PFP plasma polymerization thin films were deposited in acrylic yams. For 1 hours, the acrylic yams treated and untreated by PFP plasma were immersed in boiling water. Then the reduction of contraction coefficient of acrylic yams were measured respectively. As a result of this experiment, untreated acrylic yams were reduced around 23%, while treated yams were contracted about 18-2%.
Brevibactericum속 균주로 부터 N.T.G. 처리하여 1차로 140개의 변이주를 선별하였다. 이들 균주로 부터 2차 확인후 50균주를 선택 생성량을 보았다. 그 중 가장 생성량이 많은 균주 APT-104(phe-) 균주를 다시 N.T.G. 처리하여 PFP 내성 균주 13균주를 분리하여 그 중 가장 생성량 높은 균주를 다시 N.T.G. 처리하여 PFP 농도가 높은 곳에서 내성이 강한 균주를 5균주 선택 하였다. 이상 선택한 균주의 L-tyrosine 생성량을 비교 검토한 결과 PFP-106 균주에서 가장 높은 생성을 보였다. (50mg/l) 따라서 이 균주의 배지조건을 검토하였다. 그 결과 탄소원에서의 영향은 Sucrose 나 glucose 첨가시 76mg/l, 50mg/l 로서 효과적이었으며 그 농도는 10% 농도가 가장 효과적 이었다. 질소원에서는 (NH_4)_2SO_4첨가시가 50mg/l 로 높았고 다른 질소원은 오히려 낮은 생성을 보였다. 그 농도는 3%가 적당하였다. 아미노산의 영향은 glutamic acid와 L-tryptophane 생성에서 각각 106mg/l, 108mg/l로서 가장 효과적이었다. 또한 L-phenylalanine 의 농도는 100mg/l 첨가시 L-tyrosine 생성량이 50mg/l로서 가장 효과적이었다.
The effects of medium, hormones, and PFP on the proliferation of red callus in leaf tissue cultures of Garden orach(Atriplex hortensis L.) was investigated. As a result,88% of leaf tissues formed eallus on MS nledium containing 2mg/l 2,4-D. Fresh weight of callus was higher on MS medium than on Bsand NN media. It was also found that 2, 4-D was more effective than Dicamba and Picloram. The op-timum concentrations of hormones for callus proliferation depended on culture media. Isolated red cal-lus grew markedly both on MS medium supplemented with 1-2mg/l 2, 4-D and Bs medium contain-ing 2-4111g/l 2,4D. Callus proliferated on B5 and NN media containing Dicabma Img/l as well as onthe same media containing 2mg/l Picioram. The addition of PFP concentrations of 2, 5, and 40mg/ lrcspectiely to culture medium caused increase of callus fresh weight, especially under light condition.