Nerine 대량증식을 위한 자구 저장 및 순화재배 조건 등에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 저장온도와 기간별 자구 무게 참모율은 저온보다 고온에서 증가하였다. 따라서 조직배양 자구의 적정 저장온도와 기간은 86.4%의 출현율을 보이는 15℃에서 12주가 적절하였다. 또한 기내 생산 자구의 적정토양순화 시기는 휴면타파온도인 22℃이상 유지가 가능한 6월 상순이 적절하였다. 순화 재배시 효율성 향상을 위한 적정 광원은 적색과 청색의 혼합파장에서 네리네 생육과 광합성 능력이 우수하였다.
Nerine was originated from South Africa and around 30 kinds of species are distributed in worldwide. In present study we have characterized the condition of storage and growing conditions on the bulb propagation of Nerine by the tissue culture. Result indicated that the percentage of decrement, decay and sprouting of bulblets in the tissue culture was high at the higher temperature compare to lower temperature. The optimum conditions for storage and time were 12 weeks at 15℃ which were having 86.4% sprouting rate. The sprouting rate at different temperature and acclimation time, using bulblets in the tissue culture, were optimum at early June when temperature is relatively higher(22℃) that facilitate to breaking the dormancy. Growth characteristics and capacity of photosynthesis of Nerine were better at red and blue mixed lightness.