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Removal of Cu(II) ions by Alginate/Carbon Nanotube/Maghemite Composite Magnetic Beads KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/259792
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Carbon Letters (Carbon letters)
한국탄소학회 (Korean Carbon Society)

The composites of alginate, carbon nanotube, and iron(III) oxide were prepared for the removal of heavy metal in aqueous pollutant. Both alginate and carbon nanotube were used as an adsorbent material and iron oxide was introduced for the easy recovery after removal of heavy metal to eliminate the secondary pollution. The morphology of composites was investigated by FE-SEM showing the carbon nanotubes coated with alginate and the iron oxide dispersed in the alginate matrix. The ferromagnetic properties of composites were shown by including iron(III) oxide additive. The copper ion removal was investigated with ICP AES. The copper ion removal efficiency increased greatly over 60% by using alginate-carbon nanotube composites.

  • Son-Yeo Jeon(Department of Fine Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, BK21-E2M, Chungnam National University)
  • Ju-Mi Yun(Department of Fine Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, BK21-E2M, Chungnam National University)
  • Young-Seak Lee(Department of Fine Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, BK21-E2M, Chungnam National University)
  • Hyung-Il Kim(Department of Fine Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, BK21-E2M, Chungnam National University)