The delay due to congestion has recently attracted widespread attention with the analysis of over-all operation at the port. But, the complexity of the situation is evident in view of the large number of factors which impinge on the considerable end. Queueing theory is applicable to a large scale transportation system which is associated with arrivals of vessels in a large port. The attempt of this paper is to make an extensive analysis of the port transport system and its economic implications from the viewpoint that port is one of the physical distribution facilities and a kind of queueing system which includes ships and cargoes as port customer. By analyzing the real data on the Port of Pusan, it is known that this port can be represented as a set of multi-channel with identical setof Poisson arrival and Erlang service time, and also it is confirmed that the following formula is suitable to calculate the mean delay in this port, namely, W4=σλ(1-σ) eN(σ·N)DN-1(σ·N) where, λ: mean arrival rate μ: mean servicing rate; N: number of servicing channel; σ: utillization rate (λ/Nμ) eN: the Poisson function Coming to grips with the essentials of the cost of delay due to congestion, a simple ship journey cost model is adopted and the operating profit sensitivity to variation in port time is examined, and for purpose of a future development for port princing service the marginal cost is approximately calculated on the basis of queueing theory.