Subject : The Practical Use of UN Standard Message for cargo flow EDI Writer : Park, Nam Kyu and Lee, Tae Woo It's necessary to prepare standard message which is agreed on among trading partners for EDI in container transport industry. Now KMPA is carrying out the EDI Project for establishing Korea Logistics Network. It is important to make standard message of documents using in transport industry to succesfully accomodate EDI. The objective of this study is to find out the method of UN standard message utility in Korea. For this study, the UN message guideline is primarily reviewed, and the process that Shipping Request being used in Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. is applied to UNSMs as case study. Generally the data format of EDIFACT is so complex and broad for inter-industry standard that the abstract of data format is usually used. Therefore, it is necessary to make the subset of standard message for Shipping Request in ocean industry. In the result of this study, that the ocean industry can use the subset of IFTMBF for Shipping Request is proved, and the subset is suggested. This thesis will contribute toward showing the practical way of standardrization of 350 documents using in trade, customs and transport sectors.