해역이용협의에 따른 협의서 검토현황과 연안이용형태를 분석한 결과, 공유수면 점 사용은 공작물설치와 해수 취배수, 공유수면 매립은 산업단지조성, 항만 어항개발과 도로건설의 점유율이 높았고, 점 사용은 서해에서 그리고 매립은 남해에서 우세하였다. 지역별로는 전남, 경남지역과 인천 경기지역에서 이용행위가 많았다. 해역이용협의 검토량은 2008년이 전년도에 비해 약 200건 이상 증가하였고, 협의과정에서 준설토 해양투기, 매립, 준설, 해수 취배수, 바다골재채취와 규사채취에 대해 보완요청이 주로 이루어졌다. 연안이용은 대부분 해양환경기준 I등급 또는 II등급의 지역에서 집중되었고, 특히, 법령상 해양 규제지역인 특별관리해역에서는 항만 어항개발과 관련된 매립과 공작물설치, 국립공원에서는 공작물설치와 호안정비가 많았다. 또한, 수산자원보호구역에서는 호안정비, 공작물설치와 해수의 취배수 행위가 많이 이루어진 것으로 평가되었다. 해역이용협의제도의 제반적인 합리성과 신뢰성을 높이는 방법 등 개선방안을 제도운영 및 정책적인 측면과 협의서 작성과 관련한 해양환경영향평가 측면으로 구분해서 정책제언을 제시하였다.
The review of statements and coastal development characteristics in South Korea were diagnosed by the consultation on the coastal area utilization in Korea. The occupation and the use of public water were dominated by installation of coastal structure and seawater supply and drainage whereas the reclamation areas were predominantly utilized for developing industrial complex, harbor, fishing port and road. The occupation and the use were dominant in western coast, but reclamation was dominant in southern coast of Korea. The number of utilization cases was particularly greater in Jeonnam, Gyeongnam, and Gyeonggi Province including Incheon. The number of the statements reviews increased by more than 200 cases in 2008 compared with 2007, and most of them were the simple statements. The statements related to ocean disposal of dredged sediment, reclamation, dredging sediment, seawater supply and drainage, and marine sand mining were submitted for review. Coastal utilization was especially active in the regions of seawater quality criteria I and II. In particular, special management sea areas designated under the relevant marine regulations were utilized mostly by reclamation for developing harbor, fishing port and coastal structure. Development activities in national parks comprised primarily structure installation and coastal maintenance. In the fisheries resources protection areas, 40% of the total cases accounted for coastal maintenance, 31% for structure installation, and 16% for seawater supply and drainage. In addition, alternative plans for the improvement in policies and system of marine environmental impact assessment were suggested to enhance the function and confidence of the consultation on the coastal area utilization in Korea.