Standing crop distribution of aquatic plants in the West Nakdong River and riparian wetlands inthe Nakdong River were surveyed in May, July and September, 2010. Total 25 aquatic macrophyte species(submerged: 9, leaf-floating: 3, free-floating: 5, emergent: 8) were observed during the survey periods.Distribution area of aquatic plants and proportion of submerged communities were highest in Garakchi-deung(212,032m2, 72.7%). The distribution area of aquatic plants was highest in Phragmites australiscommunity(421,584m2), followed by Hydrilla verticillata-Vallisneria natanscommunity(181,511m2), Potamogetonwrightii-Vallisneria natanscommunity(61,604m2), and Hydrocharis dubiacommunity(49,709m2). Garakchi-deung(212,032kg) also had the highest aquatic plant production, followed by Suanchi-deung(15,546kg),Daedong(5,813kg), Dunchi-do(3,963kg), Maekdo(1,463kg), Yeommak(571kg), Jungsa-do(530kg), andShinan(300kg). Average standing crop of the study area were 147.8±20.8g DW∙m-2in 1988, 96.1±20.0gDW∙m-2in 2000, and 172.6±76.1g DW∙m-2in 2010. For a sustainable management of river habitat andfood source, aquatic plant should concurrently be surveyed with river environmental variables(i.e. sediment,nutrient, flow).