Curcuma, which is well known for its characteristic flavor, was fermented with lactic acid bacteria from kimchi, andthe taste and biological activities were examined in order to investigate its use as a health food ingredient. Althoughthe general composition of the fermented curcuma was similar regardless of lactic acid bacteria used for fermenta-tion, the overall acceptability of the curcuma fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum (CLp) was better than that ofthe other samples. Taste sensing tests showed that the higher overall acceptability of CLp stemmed from an increasein umami and sourness and a decrease in astringency with CLp. There were no statistical differences in curcumincontent, DPPH radical scavenging activities, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities among the curcuma samples;however, CLpe, an extract of CLp, revealed dose dependent inhibition on the production of PG-E2 from RAW cells.Consequently, CLpe may be suitable for use in processed foods in order to provide health benefits without loweringtheir sensory qualities.