본 연구는 정원용 장미 40품종을 전남 신안군 임자면의 사양토에 정식하여 개화 및 생육 특성을 조사하였다. 월별로 개화한 꽃수를 조사한 결과, 200개 이상 개화한 품종은 ‘Heritage’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Pat Austin’, ‘Lichfield Angel’이었다. 화폭은 8cm 이상인 품종은 ‘Landora’, ‘Lucy Mayang’으로 40개 품종 중에서 화폭이 가장 큰 종류에 속했으며, 6cm 미만은 ‘Falstaff’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Tea Clipper’, ‘Wisley 2008’ 품종이었고, ‘Malvern Hills’품종은 화폭이 4.2cm로 40개 품종 중에서 가장 작았다. 꽃에 대한 선호도를 조사한 결과, 4점 이상인 품종은 ‘Princess Margareta’, ‘Golden Celebration’, ‘Charles Darwin’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Mary Rose’, ‘Glamis Castle’, ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’, ‘Lady of Megginch’, ‘Clistopper Colombo’, ‘Fellowship’, ‘Lusy Mayang’이었으며, 3점 미만인 품종은 ‘Brother Cadfael’, ‘Mortimer Sackler’, ‘Wisley 2008’이었다. 수고는 ‘Peace’ 품종이 146.3cm로 가장 컸으며, ‘Graham Thomas’, ‘Geoff Hamilton’, ‘Mortimer Sackler’, ‘Queen of Sweden’, ‘Spirit of Freedom’, ‘Strawberry Hill’, ‘Tea Clipper’ 품종도 100cm 이상으로 길게 자랐다. 줄기에 형성된 가시는 ‘Spirit of Freedom’과 ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’이 5.0점으로 가장 가시가 많은 품종이었으며, ‘Brother Cadfael’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Lichfield Angel’, ‘Tea Clipper’, ‘Aphrodite’ 품종은 가시가 적은 것으로 조사되었다. 생육정도를 조사한 결과, 4.5점 이상의 점수를 받은 품종은 ‘Graham Thomas’, ‘Charles Darwin’, ‘Heritage’, ‘James Galway’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Queen of Sweden’, ‘Pat Austin’, ‘Spirit of Freedom’, ‘Glamis Castle’, ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’, ‘Strawberry Hill’, ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Peace’로 생육이 좋았고, ‘Fellowship’, ‘Cosai’ 품종은 생육정도가 1.8로 나타나 가장 생육이 불량한 품종임을 알 수 있었다. 꽃도 많이 피면서 꽃의 선호도가 높은 품종은 ‘Heritage’, ‘Mary Rose’, ‘Glamis Castle’, ‘Lady of Megginch’ 품종이었으며, 꽃이 많이 피면서 수고가 작아 아담한 수형을 보여주는 품종으로는 ‘Sharifa Asma’, ‘Princess Margareta’, ‘Mary Rose’, ‘Pat Austin’, ‘The Generous Gardener’, ‘The Pilgrim’, ‘Lichfield Angel’, ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’, ‘Skylark’ 품종이었다.
This study was conducted to examine the flowering and growth characteristics of 40 garden rose cultivars in sandy loam soil of southwest coast in Korea. More than 200 flower bloomed in ‘Heritage’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Pat Austin’, and ‘Lichfield Angel’. Flower diameter of ‘Landora’ and ‘Lucy Mayang’ were longest than those of the other cultivars. Flower diameter under 6cm showed in ‘Falstaff’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Tea Clipper’ and ‘Wisley 2008’. In preference of flower, cultivars of more than 4 points were ‘Princess Margareta’, ‘Golden Celebration’, ‘Charles Darwin’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Mary Rose’, ‘Glamis Castle’, ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’, ‘Lady of Megginch’, ‘Clistopper Colombo’, ‘Fellowship’, and ‘Lusy Mayang’, and cultivars under 3 points were ‘Brother Cadfael’, ‘Mortimer Sacler’, and ‘Wisley 2008’. The ‘Peace’ was longest by 146.3cm, and ‘Graham Thomas’, ‘Geoff Hamilton’, ‘Mortimer Sackler’, ‘Queen of Sweden’, ‘Spirit of Freedom’, ‘Strawberry Hill’, and ‘Tea Clipper’ were long by 100cm, too. The most thorns were observed in ‘Spirit of Freedom’ and ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’, and the number of thorns in ‘Brother Cadfael’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Lichfield Angel’, ‘Tea Clipper’, and ‘Aphrodite’ were less than the other cultivars. The shoot growth of ‘Graham Thomas’, ‘Charles Darwin’, ‘Heritage’, ‘James Galway’, ‘Malvern Hills’, ‘Queen of Sweden’, ‘Pat Austin’, ‘Spirit of Freedom’, ‘Glamis Castle’, ‘Tess of The d’Urbervilles’, ‘Strawberry Hill’, ‘Aphrodite’, and ‘Peace’ were better than the others, but shoot growth of ‘Fellowship’ and ‘Cosal’ were worst by 1.8 grade. The cultivars of high preference and many flowers were ‘Heritage’, ‘Mary Rose’, ‘Glamis Castle’, and ‘Lady of Megginch’. The cultivars of compact tree type and many flowers were ‘Sharifa Asma’, ‘Princess Margareta’, ‘Mary Rroes’, ‘Pat Austin’, ‘The Generous Gardener’, ‘The Pilgrim’, ‘Lichfield Angel’, ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’, and ‘Skylark’.