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Physiological Response of Indoor Plants according to Formaldehyde Concentrations KCI 등재

포름알데히드 농도에 따른 실내식물의 생리적 반응

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/269757
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인간식물환경학회지 (Journal of People Plants and Environment)
인간식물환경학회 (Society For People, Plants, And Environment)

포름알데히드의 고농도와 저농도에 따른 식물의 생리적 반응을 보기 위하여 실험을 실시하였다. 실내식물은 관음죽, 팔손이나무, 스킨답서스를 이용하였으며, 포름알데히드는 0, 2(2.5), 10(12.3), 100(123) ppm(mg・m-3)농도로 처리하였다. 그 결과 포름알데히드 처리에 대한 잎 피해증상은 100 ppm의 고농도에서 5시간 처리 후 검은 반점으로 나타났다. 외관상 피해증상은 어린잎과 노화된 모두에서 나타났으며, 팔손이나무의 경우에는 줄기에서도 일부 나타났다. 피해 잎의 책상조직과 해면조직이 파괴되거나 변형되었다. 전체적으로 Peroxidase와 Catalase 함량은 관음죽>팔손이나무>스킨답서스 순서였으며, 처리농도가 높아질수록 함량도 대체로 증가하였다. 피해가 심한 스킨답서스의 경우 고농도 처리시에 기공이 닫히는 비율이 약 80% 가장 높았으며, Catalase 증가량도 가장 컸다. 결과적으로 100 ppm의 고농도에서 포름알데히드 흡수를 저해하기 위해 기공이 닫히거나 효소 함량의 변화가 일부 나타났으나, 저농도에서 적극적 흡수를 위한 반응은 보이지 않았다.

Physiological response of indoor plants was investigated according to formaldehyde concentrations. Epipremnum aureum, Fatsia japonica, and Rhapis exelsa were exposed 0, 2(2.5), 10(12.3), 100(123) ppm(mg・m-3)of formaldehyde. Necrosis was a visible injury symptom in leaves and stem with exposure to 100 ppm formaldehyde for 5 h. Apparent injury appeared in young and old leaves of every plant, but displayed in stems of only Fatsia japonica. Cells in tissue of injury leaves were altered or demolished, and resulted in destruction of palisade and spongy parenchyma. Peroxidase and catalase content were highest in R. exelsa but lowest in E. aureum. Catalase activity increased with increasing formaldehyde concentrations. Stomata of E. aureum that was severely damaged in leaves closed up to 80% with exposing 100 ppm of formaldehyde, and catalase activity of E. aureum increased highest. As a result, stomata were closed and enzyme activity were changed in order to become tolerance when indoor plants were exposed in high concentration of formaldehyde, while it was not showed in low concentration of formaldehyde.

  • Kwang Jin Kim(Urban Agriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration) | 김광진 Corresponding author
  • Hyun Hwan Jung(Urban Agriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration) | 정현환
  • Jung A Lee(Urban Agriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration) | 이정아