This experiment was carried out to establish the optimum cutting time, plant growth regulator, and bed-soilfor rooting by greenwood cutting of Schisandra chinensis. Approximately 7㎝ long-shoots of greenwood cuttings weretransplanted by various cutting times, plant growth regulators, and bed-soils in the plastic-film house. The rooting rate ofgreenwood cutting was 12.5% in the April 5th, 73.5% in the May 8th, and 75.5% in the August 5th. The number and lengthof primary root in greenwood cutting were more in the early May than those in the early August. For mass propagation ofSchisandra chinensis. using greenwood cutting, shoots were treated with plant growth regulators on May to increase rootingrate. Rooting rate was 100% with IAA 50㎎/ℓ,92.9% with NAA 100㎎/ℓ,and NAA 1,000㎎/ℓ,for 60 min. To selecteffective media for rooting, various medias for bed-soil were treated by single and mixture form for 100 days after cutting.Rooting rate was 91.8% in the single treatment of peat moss or decomposition of granite soil, and this result was better thanthose in other treatment. The treatment by 1:1 mixture of peat moss and horticulture bed soil was rooting with 94.0% bestrooting rate.