傳統幼兒識字教學,主要以大量抄寫的方式,把漢字個別地學習。但在這教學方式下,幼兒較難記憶字詞,容易對學習感到困難,繼而失去學習興趣。本研究利用字詞網絡的教學法進行漢字學習,讓幼兒有系統地記憶一組字詞,在腦中建立字詞網絡,建立豐富的心理詞彙庫。 研究對象是3-6歲香港學前幼兒 (181人),分三個年齡組別,實驗新的教學法。利用前測和後測的成績,評估新教學法的效果。測試結果顯示三組年齡的幼兒聯想字量均有顯著的增長。本研究同時利用課堂觀察和教師訪問,研究幼兒的學習成果。結果顯示三組幼兒對漢字學習有濃厚的興趣,在課堂上能主動及專注地學習,他們亦能快速地掌握漢字的形、音、義,有效地大量識字。
Traditionally Chinese educators have held the view that the repeated writing of characters and the detailed memorisation of the shape and strokes of each character is the most effective way for children to learn Chinese. The danger is that there is often insufficient emphasis on using the characters in a meaningful context, with many students forgetting the meaning of the characters and losing interest in learning. The study looked at the effect on learning of encountering Chinese characters within semantic networks that emphasise the meaning of the words and the acquisition of a Chinese lexicon of clusters of related words. 181 students aged 3-6 years in Kindergarten 1,2 and 3 took part in the study, evidence about the impact of the new approach and lesson activities on learning being gathered using quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analyses involved comparing pre-and post test scores using dependent t-testing to examine prior and after learning knowledge and skills. The qualitative evidence was assembled from interviews with teachers and through the systematic observation of lessons. Students in all three age groups significantly increased their mental lexicon of groups of associated words. Qualitative analyses indicated that all of the students had improved their interest in learning Chinese characters and had become more active learners. They were more efficient language learners and knew much more about the semantics, phonology and graphics of Chinese characters.