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An Effective Way to Solve the Problem of Difficulties in Literacy and Writing

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279348
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

In elementary education, the fact that writing is moredifficult than literacy has been widely accepted by students and teachers.Writing needs a large number of practices and a certain accumulation inliteracy, which are both key phrases in education. Unfortunately existingeducation programs fail to offer students a good way to improve writing.With the development of information technology, students are able topractise writing everyday and accumulate literacy efficiently. However,problems like teaching laws of writing are still unsolved. In this paperwe propose a solution based on information technology which complies thepedagogical principles in education. Furthermore, we obtain remarkableachievements and valuable feedbacks from several tests and trials in fieldschools. In our future work, we hope to eliminate issues in literacy andwriting like poor quality, overburdern and education inequalities froma technical perspective.


  • 王春杰(中央教科院汉字文化教育研究中心信息化学术委员会)
  • 王丹力(中国科学院软件研究所人工智能室)
  • 钱进(安徽省青阳县酉华乡中心小学)