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  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279373
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

Chinese characters are ideographic system text. Therefore,Chinese characters is through its body structure to express meaning. Thisis the basis of Chinese characters can be created, resulting in theprinciples of radical.Correspondingly, people recognize Chinesecharacters only through analysis of the body structure of Chinesecharacters in order to know the original significance of a singlecharacter. Therefore, understanding the Characters and the principle ofradicals is very important. However, in Chinese characters search, inorder to search easy people set up another radical system , this set ofradical system were re-classified and positioning of Chinesecharacters.Of course, considerable part of the radical is coincident with.Therefore, in the teaching process we should distinguish the principlecomponents and characters principles of radical differences, it is acorrect understanding of Chinese characters, and accurate use of Chinesecharacters.


  • 葉正渤(江蘇師範大學文學院 郵箱)