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A study on the different transcriptions in the History of the Three Kingdoms

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279467
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

This study mainly focuses on Silla jo among Samguk Sagi bongi, and analyzes in 音韻學的(eumwunhakcheok) about names of 王(wang)s, names of bureaucrats and names of government services marked in two or more. I referenced 郭錫良(Kwakseongryang)'s 古音手冊{koeumsuchaek) for estimation of 上古音(sangkoeum) and 中古音chungkoeum). Also this study followed theory of 王力(wangryek) for the discrimination of 同音(dongeum) and 近音(keuneum). Among the names of the kings I could not ascertain historical evidence in whether ‘伐休(Beolhyu) and 發暉(Balhwi)', ‘味鄒(Michu) and 未古(Migo)’ and ‘炤知(Soji) and 毗處(Bicheo)’ are the same or similar sounds. Among above kings the name of a king 炤知(Soji)(照知(Choji)) was recorded in 毗處(Bicheo). It seems to have been documented in a changed form from a Chinese character meaning to a Korean native tongue. Both 炤(so)and 照(cho) in 炤知(Soji)(照知(Choji)) mean ‘光(kwang)’ which represents ‘bright, shining, and light'.(In 炤知(Soji) 知(ji) is a suffix which has no meaning.). 毗處(Bicheo) is the ‘빛(bit)’, the Korean word of 光(kwang). In other words, it is the reading sound of 毗處(Bicheo) representing a Korean word ‘빛(bit)(毗 : 비(bi) + 處 : ㅊ(처)(cheo) = 빛(bit)’. 南解次次雄(Namhaechachawung)'s 王妃(wangbi) 雲帝夫人(Wunjebuin) was recorded in 阿婁夫人(Arubuin) which seems to have been documented in a changed form from a Chinese character meaning to a Korean native tongue. 雲帝(wunje) is the name related to water물(水 : mul). 阿婁아루(aru) is the Korean native tongue of 雲帝(wunje). 阿婁(aru) is another written version of Korean native tongue ‘阿里(ari)’ which represents water. It is the last letter that is the only difference between 阿里(ari) and 阿婁(aru). It can be proved in phonological method. 里(ri) of 阿里(ari) and 婁(ru) of 阿婁(aru) are that 聲紐(seongnyu) is 雙聲(ssangseong) and also vowel or final consonant is similar which is changed each other because the ancient Chinese sounds are similar. That the name of a place ‘始林(sirim)' was rewritten to 雞林(kyerim) is that Korean native tongue 始林(sirim) was changed to Sino‐Korean word '雞林(Kyerim)'. In other words, ‘始 : 새(sae←音(eum) : 시(si))’ was changed to ‘鷄 : 새(sae←訓(hun) : 닭(dark))’.

本考是以『三国史记․本纪』中新罗条为主要研究对象, 参考『三国遗事』或『三国史节要』, ’王号, 官人名, 官职名, 地理名, 根据校勘生产的异表记’ 主要和音韵学的观点相接近, 上古音, 中古音的推定是以郭锡良的古音手册为主要参考;同音,近音的判别是依据王力的学说.人名异表记是关王,王号, 王妃, 王的姻戚, 官僚等称呼, 和汉语学上的观点相接近. 在王名’脱解, 吐解’ ‘祗摩, 祗味’ ‘伐休, 发晖’ ‘助賁, 诸賁’‘奈勿, 那密’ ‘味鄒, 味照, 味祖, 未鄒, 未祖, 未召, 未古, 味炤’ ‘炤知,照知, 毗处’ ‘智大路, 智度路, 智哲老’ ‘三麦宗, 深麦夫’中 ‘伐休, 发晖’ ‘味鄒, 未古’ ‘炤知, 毗处’, 从音韵学的角度上,不能考证它们是同音或者近音. 同样, 王号次次雄和慈充从音韵学的角度,也不能考证它们是同音或者近音. 但是炤知和毗处在训借上是可以考证的, 炤知(照知)的训借是毗处. 炤和照都是指光, 发光的意思. 若把它换成韩国语就是‘빛(毗 : 비 + 處 : ㅊ(처) = 빛)’南解次次雄的王妃云帝夫人在异表记中称为阿婁夫人, 这同样也是训借, 云帝是和水有关联的名字, 在训借表记中和阿婁相似, 云帝和雨有关, 而’阿婁’是表示水的’阿里’的异表记. 因为阿里的里和阿婁的婁是双声、 旁转,所以可异表记。阿婁跟鸭绿近音,与阿里和鸭绿的语源相同。而阿里、阿婁和鸭绿中的‘阿’‘鸭’是双声, 通转, 其中的‘里’‘绿’‘婁’也是双声、旁转(里和婁)或者对转(绿和婁)或者旁对转(里和绿)的近音, 所以证明了阿里, 鸭绿, 阿婁在音韵学上是同源词。地名异表记‘珍支村, 干珍村’‘加利村, 加里村’‘始林, 鸡林’‘蛇陵圉,蛇陵园’中‘ 珍支村,干珍村’ ‘始林,鸡林’在音韵学上不能证明是同音或者近音。能把始林改称鸡林的训借就是‘始 : 새(音)’ = ‘鷄 : 새(训)’.而在三国遗事中始林的异表记‘鸡林’也是训借。

  • 韓延錫(公州大學校) | Han, Youn‐Suk