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우리나라 광주에서의 4월 평균 강수량에 대한 장기변동성 분석 KCI 등재

Long-term change in April mean Precipitation in Gwangju, South Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279599
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.14383/cri.2014.9.3.181
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기후연구 (Journal of Climate Research)
건국대학교 기후연구소 (KU Climate Research Institute)

We found that, in 1984, there was a climate regime shift in April mean precipitation in Gwangju of Jeollanam-do province, Korea using a statistical change-point analysis. During the period of post-1984(1985-2013), the April mean precipitation in the years post-1984 showed a distinct decrease, compared to the pre-1984 period(1954-1984). This regime shift was also observed in China and Japan, excluding southern China. One of the major causes for the decreasing April mean precipitation during the recent three decades was the increased snow depth in the mid-latitude regions of continental East Asia. The increased snow depth resulted in strengthened cold and dry anticyclone anomaly over continental East Asia and a relatively weakened subtropical anticyclone anomaly over the western North Pacific. The anomalous synoptic conditious supported a continuation of the typical winter pressure pattern of ‘high-West and low-East’ over East Asia in April. The intensified northerly winds from this zonal pressure pattern anomaly played a significant role in restricting the northern movement of the subtropical anticyclone and there by preventing the inflow of warm and humid air into Korea.

1. 도입
 2. 자료 및 분석 방법
  1) 자료
  2) 분석방법
 3. 4월 강수량의 시계열 분석
 4. 소우기간과 다우기간 사이의 강수량 및 대기환경에 대한 차
  1) 강수량의 연변동
  2) 4월 종관 환경 특징
 5. 요약 및 결론
  • 최기선(국립기상연구소 정책연구과) | Ki-Seon Choi
  • 김백조(국립기상연구소 정책연구과) | Baek-Jo Kim Correspondence
  • 김정윤(국립기상연구소 정책연구과) | Jeoung-Yun Kim
  • 박기준(국립기상연구소 정책연구과) | Ki-Jun Park
  • 안숙희(국립기상연구소 정책연구과) | Suk-Hee Ahn