A Comparison of Different Retail Store Formats on the Antecedents of Patronage Intention of Agricultural Products
This study is to explain and identify the impacts of product-related factors such as productassortment, product quality, store-related factors such as store promotion, store services, and consumerrelated factors such as customer satisfaction, trust, commitment on repurchase intention by differencesof retailing format and consumer’s demographics characteristics. A survey study was conducted to col-lect the data with the actual purchasers at some kind of retailing stores. A regression analysis was per-formed to test the research hypothesis. The results of the study show as follows: it was found that allantecedents of repurchase intention such as product assortment, product quality, store promotion, storeservices, customer satisfaction, trust, commitment on repurchase intention by differences of retailing for-mat and consumer’s demographics characteristics. But there are differences of antecedents coefficientsto repurchase intention. Therefore, marketers of distribution stores that selling agricultural productshave to enhance customer’s repurchase intention in a manner tailored to type of retailing format andcustomer's demographic characteristic factors.